Chapter 8

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Y/n hear light humming. Someone was humming, she didn't know the song but it was lovely to her. It started to become louder and louder then she opened her eyes.

"Oh you're up." A boy said. He was small with light orange hair.

"I- Ban? Where's Yona?" Y/n tried to sit up but couldn't. Her body wouldn't allow her to move. She was trying to take in where she was. It was a small wooded house with herbs all over the place. She was laying on her back and could move her head but nothing else.

"Yona? The other girl? She's over there." He pointed to a small bed in the other room. Y/n sighed in relief that her sister was still here. Y/n noticed her arms were all wrapped up and so were her legs.

"Did you nurse us back to health? Also why can't I move?" She asked him.

"Yes. Don't try to move, your body is mostly in shock from the fall. You might damage it more if you try to move. Unlike the you the red haired girl had that guy to break her fall. You will most likely be able to move your body in a few hours."

"Thank you for your help. What's your name?"

"Yun. Yours?"

"Y/n. That girl over there is my sister Yona and her bodyguard Hak."

Y/n heard sounds from outside and a dirty man with blonde hair walked in the house. His bangs covered his eyes and he was very clumsy.

"Yun is she awake?" he asked.

"Yes and don't bother her." Yun said waving his hands at him. The man turn back to y/n. He stared into y/n's eyes for a moment and began to cry.

"Are you okay, sir?" Y/n asked.

"I'm sorry where are my manners. I'm Ik-soo, princess y/n."

"Huh? Wait how did you know I was a princess?" Y/n asked.

"I told you don't bother her. She's probably been through enough and doesn't you confusing her. She can talk you when she's healed." Yun said kicking Ik-soo out of the house.


A day later y/n could move her body completely. She spend her time trying to help out Yun any way she could. It was her way of saying thank you.

"Y/n?" Yun called out to her as she was hanging laundry.


"Ik-soo wants to talk to you. He's over meditating out by the waterfall."

Y/n nodded and finished pulling the clothes on the line before going to find Ik-soo.

He was right where Yun said he'd be. He was sitting on a green grassy cliff overlooking a water fall. He turn to you and smiles.

"Ahh y/n. Blessed day is it not?" He said in a soft voice and y/n realized something.

"You are the oracle we've been searching for, aren't you?"

"Why don't you have a seat?" He said and Y/n sat down next to him. "From time to time I sit here and listen to the gods. I know what go around in this world thanks to the powers I have from them."

"You know don't you?"

"Yes I see everything. I've seen you're sad past. How you envied your sister for the life she had but you could never come to hate her. I know how you hated your father and his unfair treatment of you. I saw your father's passing and your fight on the mountain. I saw your lover's sacrifice before you jumped off the mountain. Even with all of that, I can see your future." Ik-soo explained his knowledge.

"My future?" Y/n questioned.

"Yes. Now I can't spoil any of it but I can say your life is meaningful. Not just to your sister, but to others and yourself."

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