Break Up With Him. Be Mine

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Part two of Fuck Him. I Want You.
Gxg fluff-ish.

"I won't be making it home,tonight for dinner I have a meeting with an important client" Kevin says to the girl who's stirring sugar into her black coffee staring off into space with heart eyes.

"It's fine, Billie invited me to go out anyway" she says sipping her coffee,this makes Kevin's brows draw together in a frown. "You two are really close,huh?" He questions and she nods "she is the best thing that has happened to me in months" y/n mumbles walking past Kevin with her cup of coffee not sparing him a glance.

This makes the man's heart beat wildly realizing that the woman he had in his clutches is slipping deciding to that he would set everything right tommorow,today he would cancel all his night meetings because if y/n's parents find out he's been neglecting her he would loose alot of financial support for his company.

Something he is not ready to loose.

Grabbing his coat and his keys he quickly leaves the house to his office.

An hour later of his phone driving her insane y/n welcomes the soldier back into her house,ever since she started seeing her behind Kevin's back for three weeks she's never felt a tiny bit of guilt.

It didn't scare her,quite the contrary,she found it exhilarating and she was happy it made her feel light-headed and carefree. Like the old her.

"I'm glad you're here,I need a ride to take Kevin's phone back to him in his office" y/n tells Billie whose eyebrow rises in question. "You really waited for me just to do that?" The girl in question nods.

"I'm a princess,you better do as I say" y/n taunts and this makes Billie smile as she pulls the girl into her arms "you don't mind if the stupid prince has to wait for his phone,I don't think he'll be needing it that fast" with that she grabs the ass of the girl through her robe.

Biting her lip y/n falls into her soldiers arms easily. "If I broke up with him right now,would it make you happy?"

"Very much. Break with him,be mine y/n" the soldier asks the girl who doesn't loose a breath attaching their lips together "it will be done but first,fuck me" she moans over lips of the dark haired soldier who smirks pulling out her strap.

"How do you want it?" Billie asks sultrily to the girl rubbing her already soaked flesh feeling turned on herself "hard and fast,give it to me hard,deep and fast" she begs and the soldier complies.


Walking into the building the workers smile and wave at y/n who waves back enthusiastically. Kevin's secretary receives her well telling her he's busy with a client but y/n doesn't mind going in anyway.

At the expensive mahogany door she is met by low moans and grunts. Rolling her eyes she can't help but actually feel relieved because she won't have to just say she will be breaking up with the boy for nothing.

Taking her own phone,she pushes the door open as silently as she can hitting the record button of her camera she slips it through and watches the man she had once loved fuck another woman shamelessly over his desk.

He never even tried that with me,she tells herself pitifully but the thought of how the soldier stirs her guts up everytime she's in her arms makes her bite her lip wistfully.

Knowing she has enough proof she turns around and heads to the secretary. "I thought otherwise,I'll leave his phone with you,thanks Mina" the secretary smiles shrugging watching the woman leave.

"You're back fast" Billie announces as y/n gets into the car. "Watch this" the girl gives Billie her phone to watch the recording and her eyes go wide "he's a pitiful bitch" is all she says giving the phone back to y/n who chuckles "I should have known,I was just so stupid but you want to know something?" Billie's eyebrow rises.

"Take me back home,I'm going to pack all of my things and then send this to my parents,let's see how far he'll get without me" doing as told Billie turns the car around in full abandon,the urge to have y/n in her arms finally taking hold of her being.

Watching the woman leave two hours later, Mina smiles and checks her out before ticking the appointment into the book,with the phone in hand she walks into her bosses office but her lips curl down in disgust at the smell of sex and sweat in the room.

Realizing why y/n had left earlier she realizes that her time in the company has come to an end and it was about time she asks for her last salary and dip before she works for the stupid man for free. "Sir,your girlfriend was here,she left your phone" this makes Kevin's eyes go wide.

"What time?" He asks taking the phone and Mina shrugs "just a few minutes ago,she seemed in a hurry she just left it at my desk. Seeing him sigh visibly. She quickly turns around without another word to her desk where she quickly types out her resignation letter in minutes.

Turning it in, Kelvin stares at it lost shaking his head, giving him loose reasons,he decides to let her go knowing he would get another secretary soon.

Quickly getting her things together,she leaves the company into her car without a word.

That night after his appointment Kevin got home to a dark,void house. She's still out with that bitch,he thinks to himself walking to their room flipping the light switch on his jaw falls as he is met by empty wardrobes that we're once filled with her clothes his mind goes blank as he takes a step back leaning against the closed door.

Quickly taking his phone he calls y/n only to be directed to voicemail. Calling his secretary she answers within a few rings "what time did you say y/n came to see me?" He asks and the woman hums.

"Like a few minutes after Miss Anna came in for her appointment" she says and Kevin growls "you told me something different"

"I did? Oh sorry I didn't feel the need to warn you that she found you fucking her brains out,why do you think I resigned? Goodluck Kevin" with that the lines goes quiet and Kevin feels his heart beat loudly in his ears.

His phone ringing gets his attention and his girlfriend's father's name shows in the screen, laying his head on the door he takes a deep breath ready to deny everything y/n had possibly told him.

"Hello" he enthusiastically only to be met by silence.

"I am disappointed in you" is the only thing he gets before the phone goes quiet again.

Sliding down the door,his hand grabs his hair feeling lost. He had lost everything in matter of hours.


Straddling the woman below her y/n can't help but caress her gently. "You've turned my world up side down,you know" this makes Billie smile smugly. "Oh?" Y/n blushes as the electric blue eyed woman stares at her with love and adoration.

"I feel like a teenager again sneaking around, staring at you looking gorgeous taking my breath away each time and gahdamn! Everytime you work out" she lets out a tiny moan before smiling innocently bitting her lip

"You have no idea how crazy you make me feel" y/n whispers staring back into those blue eyes loving the way they stuck to her as of she we're an angel,the way those hands roamed her body in soft caresses,the soldier had her wrapped around her finger and breaking up with Kevin had been the best choice she has made in her life.


Y'all did want a part two... I was a lil low to write smut lol.

Next update tho,I got y'all.


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