The Vampires Mate

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I know Billie is vegan,but here she's a vampire so meaning not vegan,enjoy.

Billie's pov

So Finneas decided to dip,mom and dad went to see the world leaving a whole kingdom in my hands,I don't know what the fuck to do,I'm only 218years I'm the youngest vampire,I stopped aging when I hit 18years.

I haven't found my mate yet and this vampire coven is getting on my nerves,I mean hey! Call the originals to deal with this shit how the hell I'm I supposed to deal with crazy vampire hunters apart from tearing them apart?!

It's been hours of sitting in this office chair trying to understand this peace treaty thing being offered by the witches and I'm almost giving up.

My right palm burns slightly and I quickly look at it, a name lighting up on my skin in gold Y/N... Who the fuck is that?

I take my phone calling Fin "Finneas!"  I yell into the phone knowing he's probably scrunching his face annoyed,I always get his ass.

"Holy Immortalness! Why are you screaming?"

"Holy Immortalness? Dude who says that this days? It's the 21st century,are you still learning how to speak?" I mock

"What do you want?" He grumbles "well this random ass name decided to make a spot for itself on my palm,can you explain this shit?" I ask

"Wait?! What?!"

"I said a random fucking name just decided to appear on my fucking palm and it was painful! America explain!" I reply feeling cocky,dude still has problems with the slang in the 21st century he doesn't even know how to use a––

"That random name is your mates name Billie"


"It's your mates–– wait your mate is a girl?!"

"My mate is a girl... MY MATE IS A GIRL!" I yell in realisation

"Yes! Now go find her just close your eyes keeping your palm open and you'll see where to find her when you get close to her the burn will be slight and then it'll dissappea–– damn babe! That lingerie a new one?"

"Gross!" I yell hanging up,I have a mate... My mate is a girl,holy shit! I've never heard her name before meaning she's not a vampire,is she a witch? An werewolf? Or maybe she's a human...

Fuck! I hold my hand out closing my eyes like Fin instructed and see a school,her long (y/h/c) hair whips around as she tries to go through a sea of students probably to get to class her blue bag swinging around... Wait she looks like she's running from someone...

My eyes shoot open,my mate is in danger,my legs move so fast that I didn't know,with my vampire speed I get to the school,my hand starts burning... She's close!

I use my mind control making the students move out of my way as I rush down the hallways in speed looking for her,my hand burns more then it dissappears when I reach the gym place.

I hear someone cry and my heart shatters,I get in the gym fast to find her sprawled on the floor this guy trying to rip her jeans off,his friends unbuttoning theirs too.

I quickly move breaking their necks pushing the guy off my mate,I look him the eye as I hold him up by the neck his eyes go wide staring into mine I'm sure they're turning red since I'm furious,how dare he try to take advantage of my mate?!

I break his neck and move to my mate, she's curled up into a ball crying as she tries to zip her jeans up.

I kneel beside her removing the hair out of her face and her eyes dart to me through her glasses,she cries louder as she faces away "hey,it's okay" I whisper cupping her cheek,she shakes her head bitting her lips.

I took her glasses off and take her into my arms,grab her bag and carry her out of the school at vampire speed back to the castle in my room,I lay her on the bed joining her as she cried until she passed out.

I leave the bed and order the servants to prepare something for her to eat as I run a bath for her to take when she wakes up.

I sit on the chair watching as her chest heaved up and down,as I take in her features,her plump beautiful full lips,her little pointy nose,her curves are perfect,my mate is gorgeous.

Soon she stirs and looks around worried soon her eyes land on me and she relaxes slightly,her thoughts are all jumbled up until she remembers what happened in the gym and her face contorts in fear.

"I won't hurt you" I whisper and calm her mind down so she doesn't go into shock "how did I get here?" Her voice is beautiful.

"I brought you here" She stares at me for a whole  minute while I look into her (y/e/c) eyes "your pretty" she mumbles and I smile "thank you" I say and her face turns red as a shy smile adorns her features.

"Why did you help me?" She asks and my face contorts in confusion "why wouldn't I?"

"Everyone hates me" she whispers "what?" She looks at me for a minute "your not from the school are you? fuck now your in trouble cause of me" she stands up quickly and I copy her.

"Talk to me" I stop her frantic movements and she shakes her head "please" I whisper and she starts to tear up.

"What do you want to know,I'm only in that's school cause of my scholarship,my dumb brother took money from the kids there and said they can have fun with me as payment,I get bullied and beat up,no single friend but I have to endure that because my future depends on it with drunk parents who are never home!" she yells trying to go past me but I stop her.

"Stay with me?" her (y/e/c) eyes look into mine and go wide "your eyes.. they're... Gold" she stutters and I nod "w-why?"

"I'm a vampire" she laughs getting out my arms plopping back on the bed "yeah right,neat" she shakes her head "don't believe me?" I get into her face slowly showing her my fangs,her face grows pale.

"T-those are fake" "listen,I know it's alot but I'm not lying okay,I found about you today,your my mate that's why I was in the school,I'm not a student just a young vampire hoping her mate accepts her" I put my palm on her cheek watching as her eyes close.

"Will you kill me?" "Never,no one will hurt you,your mine and I'm yours" she sighs.

"What have I got to loose anyway?" She mumbles opening her eyes looking into mine "sure,I'll stay" my arms wrapped around her in a tight hug.

"Do I have to turn into a vampire?" She asks looking scared "it's your choice if you want" she nods "is it painful?"

"A little but there a way to make it less painful" I squeeze her ass making her eyes go wide,cheeks turning red "y-you mean..." I wink "let's get you cleaned up mamas" I take her hand leading her to the bathroom.

My mate...

Hope y'all liked it,
Part two?


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