Don't Scream

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Read with a black background and stream bury a friend while reading,

Narrator's pov

The bus stopped and one by one they got off,it took a turn packing beside the large tracts of farm land filled with wheat crop and animals.

The driver led them to the gate where the old farmer was waiting but little did they know something else was awaiting them deep in the farm hidden by the tall brown wheat crops, it watched them walk into the place making it's jagged teeth bare at the thought of fresh souls.

"I don't like this place" y/n whispers to Billie who holds her tighter against her "it's just for three days and we'll be gone" she whispers back wondering how her mother could make her come here again.. oh yeah.

She spent too much time on her phone in the modern world, technology made her 'lazy' and she couldn't have a daughter like that may be sometime at old Jim's could fix it,she even managed to convince her girlfriend's mother to let her follow.

They we're shown to the barn where all twenty four of them could share,Billie grabbed her girlfriend's hand pulling her to the furthest end, the bed was small but Billie wasn't going to let it bother her.

They sat on the bed watching the others unpack,when the dinner bell rang they chose to stay in the barn together. Darkness fell accompanied by the snide moonlight, Billie couldn't help it, her eyes never closed she held her girl closer as her gut clenched uncontrollably.

The tiny steel cross on one of her chains burnt her skin uncomfortably until a breeze caressed her skin, she shivered as her eyes darted to the windows all were closed.

A shadow moving across the place under the moonlight shook her to the core.

I'm just being paranoid she thought, probably Jim doing his late night rounds to make sure everyone's asleep.

She tried to assure herself until she felt her gut clench even more uncontrollably as the shadow stood at the very first bed forming into an abominable creature.

It's two legs made of wood,hands too dressed in rags and a pumpkin for a head,a tatared hat to complete the look. It leaned closer to the girl she knew as Roby, her eyes fluttered open probably bothered in her dreams until her eyes landed on the scarecrow,her mouth opened and a low scream tore through the air before the jagged teeth of the of the creture creeked open golden swirls flowed from the girl into it until she fell down unmoving.

Moving down a couple of beds doing the same until it was satisfied before leaving by vanishing in air.

Billie couldn't believe what she had witnessed,she stared at all the beds the creature had visited watching them sleep peacefully,light shone through the windows and soon they were out working and laughing. Billie kept an eye out at everyone especially Roby who didn't seem moved by whatever it was.

Night time was here again and Billie's eyes couldn't close she watched the creature morph into the barn again,she pulled her girl closer into her chest as it continued it's trek.

Eight beds later the creature stared around looking bothered, Billie's eyes closed slowly before she groaned lowly like she was having a bad dream,she opened them lowly seeing the creature leave.

Afraid it was listening to them during the day Billie waited until lunch time where she and her girlfriend sat secluded and she took the pen and paper explaining everything to her unable to believe Billie, y/n brushed it off as a nightmare but promised to do as Billie ordered to keep her happy.

Third night into the barn and the creature was now a bed away from Billie,she shoved y/n into her chest making sure the masking tape was tight against her mouth.

Her eyes kept to the abomination walking towards her it's feet moving across the wooden floors silently,it stared at the bed above finding no occupant it's eyes strayed to the dark haired girl with blue eyes staring back at it.

It's mouth formed into a sinister smile as it came closer waiting for her to yell but she kept quiet staring back with the same animosity,she's seen worse than this in her dreams,her heart was nearly beating out of her chest but she couldn't care less.

When her girl moved slightly she held her even closer making the creatures eyes move to the other girl,it's eyes went back to the black haired girl letting out an angry huff,she had seen it how can she be scared?

It dissappeared feeling the unbelievable loss of the two souls gone.

The third day they helped around during the morning packing their things before leaving, Billie stared at the scarecrow as the bus pulled away,it's jagged teeth widened even more and she felt her heart freeze for a moment,she averted her eyes waiting until they got home after being sleep deprived for three days straight,she was ready to hit the hay for as long as she could.

Everyone in the bus chatted lively, even y/n joined the rest but Billie couldn't bring herself to,what did the scarecrow take? She asked herself multiple times.

Two weeks went by and one by one they started dying either it was drugs,an accident,murder or suicide.

Parents cried until the last one of the devoured was gone.

Billie snuggled closer into y/n until she felt a breeze,confused she knew her window was closed until everything came back and her heart froze again.

Her eyes snapped open staring back into the creature's,it's eyes were blazing orange the fire of the souls lighting it up now she understood why it smiled.

The motherfucker was gonna return!


Most of you don't know i was in a boarding school and there was this girl who sleepwalked and she loved coming to stare at me at night,like she was always standing at the end of my bed waiting until I woke up so she could leave other times she'd come breathing down my face and in the whole cubicle she only did it to me and another girl.. but mostly me.

I was scared the first time like very scared, another day she fell got hurt really badly like she left blood all over the place then came to me all bloody breathing down my fucking face... I don't know how i never managed to let out a peep cause i was mighty scared that night,shit went on for a while and now that i look at it i guess she was the reason why i suffer(ed) from sleep paralysis. I never even got to know her name when i finished school cause i knew i was gonna kill a bitch if i did.

This wasn't entirely made up,she's my inspiration and if she's reading this: bitch I wanna know why yous was after my ass bruh.


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