Christmas Madness

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Dude I actually managed to write,lmao

Billie's pov

Three years since y/n and I started seeing each other,two since we started dating and a year since we moved in together.

Also today was the first Christmas we were spending together,we couldn't travel to my parents or hers since it was really raining hard and driving in that storm was not something we we're both ready to risk.

I put the star up before going down the stool to stare at my work,I nodded fulfilled as I switched the lights to the Christmas tree and the golden star lit up brightly.

Y/n came from the basement with a few laundry and stared at my work in awe,she chuckled at the decorations I'd made and I raised an eyebrow making her go quiet.

We cooked together bathing each other in flour,batter and pastes. Hours later we both got it in us to take a shower going first I quickly,took a bath before going down finding her order some pizza.

Well,would it really be Christmas without pizza? Nope!

She went up to take her own shower and I set a movie for us, putting blankets and snacks all over,the doorbell rang and I darted to the door ready to take the pizza.

Opening the door I was met with a red box tied up neatly in a green ribbon.

Taking it into the house as y/n was coming down the stairs,she stared at the box in my hand before gulping slightly.

"It wasn't the pizza guy weird but someone left this outside" I inform getting ready to open it.

"What if it's a trap Bil?" She asks and i chuckle shaking my head "what kind of trap? This is basically like a gift from santa"

"Ouh! Maybe he finally got me that wish box I'd wished for 14 years ago,the man actually took that long to send it?! Damn! He mean!" I joke pulling the green ribbon off.

"Don't open it!" Y/n basically growls this time and I stare at her weirdly "dude what's your problem?"

"If you open that I'm leaving"

"What? Over a simple stupid box? Tf is in here you gonna leave for anyway?!" Getting slightly mad I rip the wrapper off before opening the box.

Taking the first Polaroid picture into my hands my eyes go wide at the two naked bodies staring back at me.

I put it down in shock taking another only this time to find a letter from some guy asking her to leave me and go to him or he would make sure I got more pictures.

Going through every single item,I stare at all the dates she'd lied to me about going to conferences for her boss,when she came late for my birthdays,the bruises around her neck and knees,her lack of libido...

I simply put everything back in the box running hands through my hair,I stared at the ceiling.

How long has she been doing this, according to the dates... Months after I asked her to be my girlfriend... Putting it together almost two years... Two goddamned years of lying through her teeth and straight into my face!

After everything we've been through,a sad chuckle leaves my lips before blowing into a full on belly laugh only this time the tears that streamed down my face weren't of joy.

I was controlling the malicious part of me that threatened to make an entrance, i don't want to hurt her but the urge is just too strong.

Getting up from the couch I sauntered into the kitchen taking an ice cube sucking it into my mouth thinking,I can't be around her at the moment,I don't want to do anything that will haunt me, sucking on the cube until it was gone I walked back into the living room.

"Leave" was all that left my lips,she stared at me eyes wide from her spot on the floor "w-what?"

"I said, leave!"

"but Billie it's raining and-"

"Do I look like I fucking care?" I seeth and she shakes her head no "I'm not leaving!" She gets up sitting on the couch and I laugh slightly walking towards her I see how her shoulders shake.

Her phone lights up from her pocket and she ignores it. When I'm close enough she closes her eyes and I feel the fear radiating off her. If it were another day I'd hold her in my embrace to keep the demons away but right now I couldn't care less.

Grabbing her arm painfully I yanked her up dragging her to the door as she begs, unlocking it I find the pizza guy out there his hand raised to ring the doorbell he stares at me for a minute in shock before handing the box to me, I throw more than enough money at him with a "keep change" taking the box I slam it into y/n's free hand.

Before throwing her out the door, catching a blanket I throw it at her before banging the door closed into her face,she begs and yells my name banging in the door as walk around the house pulling the curtains closed making sure everything was locked.

"Billie please listen to me I'm sorry!" She yells and I mutter yeah right under my breath "you can call him now! You don't live here anymore y/n" pulling the heavy shelf to the door knowing she'd remember I keep a spare key outside on fake moss.

I turn off the lights off on everything before walking up the stairs to my room sitting down in the corner in darkness I let it consume my thoughts painfully.

Why would she betray me all this while? Was i not enough? Was she just using me?

I groan before slamming a hand down,i feel the pain on my palm as it connects with the floor but I feel numb. Blood coats my skin for rapturing the soft skin around fingers but all I can do is stare as it flows.

Thunder booms loudly shaking the earth slightly followed by a bright lightning and I feel it contrast with my negative energy.

Did she even mean to say I love you?



Ha! I finally finished another oneshot.

I'll edit it later,rynow I'm sleepy asf! Lol.


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