Unapologetically Me

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How have y'all's been? Y'all better respond or I'mma quit being nice.

I know I said smut chapter next but shit had to get this off my chest!

This might sting and I'm sorry if you've gone through it,one of my peepos been on my neck about my sexuality and I'm this 👌🏾 (you see that lil ass small space yes that) close to killing peepo,anyway ,back to the story.

Y/n's pov

The rolling contraption hailed to a stop and I get out of the car grabbing my shit before walking to the camp gates, frothing and seething at my parents,see ever since they found out I was gay they have the homophobic teachers spying on me 24/7,have someone from the house pick me up from school,get locked up and fired all female helps trading them with males,the only thing I get to watch are Christian films and every weekend I get brought to this camp to be taught that loving another woman is wrong, imagine that! You know I wonder what could actually be wrong with me?

To say I'm tired of this is an understatement,I didn't choose to like girls and them being raging Christian's isn't exactly helping,they teach that God loves everyone then they come at me with this shit that He or She, whatever they want to identify him as absolutely hates homosexuals,how many times I've thought about going to the other side and sacrifice them sacrifice to get rich was just on the tips of my fingers.

To keep them frothing I turned the cross they bought for me in my room upside down before gluing it like that to their expensive wall.

I don't mean to be disrespectful but they decided to butt their shit into my life so I'mma butt my shit into theirs.

Not bothering to look at either of them I walked into the dreaded place I've hated for months now,here I usually run on autopilot so I don't have to butt heads with this overly Christened shit–– I mean animals that belong in cages–– I watched one time as they made a girl get raped by a man trying to turn her straight only for her to commit suicide the next morning,her parents picked her body in tears probably thinking they should have let her be or maybe in celebration that she was gone.

Pretty sure the we're celebrating.

"Y/n" my mother calls and I turn not bothering to listen "you hear me!" My dad barks and I stare boredly before a dull smile spreads across my lips "I wish that you'll go spiraling off down that road and die or something maybe get paralysed? Yup! My life would be so perfect without you both,I hate you, goodbye" I say before walking away leaving the woman calming him down.


Y/n scores,dad looses! Walking into my cabin– the one I've been in for months now alone– I find another set of clothes and shit in the bunk next to me, staring the typical mess I shrug before plopping done in my bed if I had my phone I'd be jamming off to rebellious playlist but those people I'm supposed to call parents took it away.

The door to the bathroom opens and I don't even bother turning,I'm always carrying a pocket knife I stole from the security guard if someone tries shit I'm more than ready to go to jail,it sounds more appealing than living with my parents.

Hey! Maybe I could be someone's jail bitch!

Taking deep breaths letting them out slowly my apparent company chooses to ignore me and I feel myself slightly relax,the bell rings and I stand up leaving to the assembly point, feeling someone step to my side I shrug to myself standing with the rest infront of the pastor from my parents church.

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