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"So you and that girl are serious huh?" I smirked laying on the couch next to Kaleb. "Don't even think about it." He glared at me I threw my hands up in defense laughing a little. "She's pretty is all." I mumbled

"Okay stop talking about her." He said turning his head back to some video game he was playing. "When are you leaving anyway?"

"Want me gone so early?" I faked hurt "Well yea if all you're doing is talking about my girlfriend."

"I don't know Cara's friends are still there and I've slept with some of them I didn't want any awkward interactions so I'm here until they leave." I said winking at him I stood up and grabbed some snacks before walking back to my room.

I used to live in New York the band Cara and I are in was on tour but we stopped for awhile to take a break so we moved down here for awhile I only plan on staying here 2 or 3 months before we start again. Cara and I bought a small apartment so I wouldn't have to live back at home but she's always bringing friends over I'm hardly there.

I put some music on and unbuttoned my jeans closing my eyes I let my mind drift to a certain blonde.


"Sooo how was it!" Abigail said pulling me to our last class. "We'll you know it was good." I rushed to say only thinking of his sister.

"We're they nice?" She asked "Mhm."

"Tay there's something you're not telling me." She groaned shaking my shoulder I sighed turning to her in my seat. Should I tell her? She won't mind right?

"He had this sister." I said

"Really?? Was she nice?" Oh trust me Abi she was very nice...

"Kinda she didn't talk much well to me." I said

"Oh, older or younger?"

"I think she's in college."

"Hmm." Abi said I nodded turning my attention to Me.Brenton our teacher.

The rest of class we mostly talked about the party happening this weekend at kaleb's house his parents won't be home so he's throwing a small halloween party. Abigail really wants to go but now that I've seen how nice his parents were and all it feels disrespectful.

"You're going Taylor." Abigail rolled her eyes as we walked to her car. "Am I taking you home or is Mr. Romeo?" She smirked I blushed shaking my head.

"You are."

"Okay okay let's go and were getting ice cream before I drop you off."

"That's fine with me." I smiled

My boyfriend's sister Where stories live. Discover now