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2 years later

I stuffed my things back into my bag as quick as possible pulling back a few strands of hair that fell out of my ponytail. "Good bye Taylor!" My professor smiled I smiled and waved before he left the room I grabbed my things and walked out as-well. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out.

Joe💙: Hey are you out of class?
Joe💙: made some very good tacos. Come over?

I smiled and sent a quickly response before walking down the street.

New York was a lot different than Nashville. It was so diverse the buildings were terrifyingly tall and the people were even more rude. I loved it though. I moved here with joe not long ago. He didn't want to go to college but he found a good job, a box suit and tie job but it was good. I still don't know what I want to be and studying so hard for me only to fall into something I don't live scares me.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I bumped into a girl. I excused myself and fixed my blouse. "I'm sorr-

I felt my entire body go numb. It couldn't possibly be her. Not her. Not now. Not ever.

"Taylor?" She smiled I put my head down feeling like she could see right through me when her beautiful green eyes met my blue ones. "Karlie."

"It's been forever! How are you?" She smiled standing beside me walking with me. "Good." I responded blandly and even a little angry. Did she just forget how our last conversation had gone? Surly she didn't see how hard she hurt me.

"Yeah, I'd love you catch up you wanna stop for dinner?" She asked

"Sorry I have plans with my boyfriend." I smiled she stopped her smiling. "Boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend." I smiled awkwardly she continued to walk with her hands in her pockets, oh how that walk took me back. "Well it was good seeing you. Here take my number." She said quickly taking a cigarette from her back pocket I stood watching her write her number on the stick.

"A cigarette?" I asked she shrugged "Call me." She smiled before walking off I stared a second too long before turning on my heels to my boyfriends apartment.


I stared at the cigarette between my fingers hating myself for almost smiling at it. Karlie obviously hadn't changed much. She was taller is all more attractive I could also say. She still had her dumb personality the personality that killed 18 year old me. I put the cigarette inside my drawer and stood up walking out to my kitchen. I had went to see Joe and everything was good until he noticed I was in my head too much. I lied and told him it was work, but it was really a tall blonde with cheekbones and ripped jeans.

Fuck it.

I grabbed my phone and quickly typed in the number hitting dial before I'd regret it.

"Hello?" Karlie's voice was muffled I could hear people in the background. Was she at a party? A bar?

"Hey." I said

"Oh shit hey Taylor!" She yelled her footsteps being heard as she pushed her way through the crowd. "Sorry I'm at work." She said I heard a door opening. "Oh no, I'll let you go." I said quickly hanging up. I sighed throwing my phone to the ground.

Stupid stupid stupid!

My phone buzzed a few times I carefully picked it up.

New contact: it's Karlie :)
New contact: you didn't have to hang up? I own the place! I am the boss
New contact: Anyways it would be cool if you to swing by this weekend? It's the bar down west village. Talk soon Taylor.

Me: Sounds nice.

I put away my phone mentally groaning I threw myself on my bed and felt like crying. Crying but also running but also like there was a tiny amusement park inside my stomach. I knew it was wrong to be feeling this way while with Joe. But Karlie was harmless now, she's just an old friend.

Edit: woahhh it's been awhile lol. I hadn't updated this story in forever but I was looking back at it and felt inspired to continue. I didn't like the second part I had made earlier so I'm remaking a second part. Hope you enjoy this

Also happy birthday to Taylor :)

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