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"Okay it says early signs of pregnancy are vomiting, check, headaches? check, missing or late period check, tender or swollen boobs oouuu you got those?" Gigi asked wiggling her eyebrows I wasn't paying much attention to her.

"Huh?" I said she groaned walking towards me. "I was reading the early signs of pregnancy and according to this you're pregnant." She said with no reaction at all how can she be so fucking calm right now?

"I'm scared." I said she sighed noticeably holding my hand. "I know tay I'm here okay? I'm going to be here the entire time and after I love you so much you know that." She said I nodded hugging her.

"I don't even know how to tell my parents."

"Don't worry we don't have to right away you're super skinny so it'll take while before they notice..I think I don't know how this works but do you want me to go buy a test?" She asked I nodded.

"Okay I'll be right back stay here." She said I laid down on my bed snuggling closer to mere and Olivia while turning up the tv playing Gilmore girls.

"Honey I'm home!" Gigi yelled in a fake old man English accent I smiled a little standing up the blanket wrapped around me while I slowly stumbled downstairs.

"I got the goods." She winked I grabbed the bag staring at the variety of pregnancy tests she bought.

"This one is the highest recommended so take it first." She said I nodded walking to the bathroom I was shaking a little but I knew it was useless to be surprised if all the symptoms were there.

After I peed on I put it aside scared to even see the results.

"Can you look at it?" I called Gigi she walked inside the bathroom picking up the opposite side I peed on her face said it all.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm so screwed." I sat on the floor feeling defeated. "It's Karlie's?"

"I haven't had sex with anyone beside her."

"Not even Kaleb?"

"You can't get pregnant from giving head so it's Karlie's." I said Gigi nodded slowly. "And she's a douche bag anyways."

"She's not."


"It's me I'm the jerk I told her we could never be anything she looked so hurt I felt so bad. Before she left we had sex again without a condom like we had before." I said

"Woah woah slow down so you just go around having unprotected sex!?" She practically yelled.

"It feels better!"

"Yea and it also gets you fucking pregnant Taylor." She said her voice was serious something Gigi isn't often except when she means it. Getting told you're in the wrong by Gigi is such a disappointing feeling.

"I know I'm so fucking dumb."

"And Karlie isn't a jerk?" She asked "Nope she's the sweetest ever I was just taking advantage of it the hooking up and she wanted more maybe I do too but I can't you know it. We can't with me still being with Kaleb."

"Taylor you should've broken up with him a long time ago. You're leading them both on and now you have a fucking kid in your stomach."

"You should tell her." Gigi said standing up I stood up with her nodding.

"You want me to stay with you?" She asked

"Yes, please."

"Okay let's get you in the shower then you call her okay?" I nodded following Gigi to my room.


Las Vegas I missed this place I set my bag down on stage walking to Cara who was with some girls.

"Hey." I grabbed Cara's arm she was already a bit drunk. "Oh hey I met these girls the blondes been eyeing you." She smirked I looked behind her meeting eyes with the blonde girl she was pretty but she wasn't Taylor.

"Alright you ready we go on in an hour." I said she nodded walking back to the girls I walked backstage feeling my phone buzz in my pocket.

It was Taylor.



"Yea what's wrong, are you okay?" I asked she sounded scared.


"You're... pregnant?" I felt my words coming out of confusion.

"Yes Karlie I'm pregnant and..and it's yours but I can't do this Karlie and I know you can't I know this is so messed up and I'm so fucking messed up Karlie I am sorry. I do I want to be with you so so much Karlie you make me so fucking happy but I thought that I couldn't and I thought it'd be easy if I just didn't have to show those feelings and now I..I..I'm pregnant and -

"Taylor stop. I just have one concert I'll be there next week for Christmas we can talk about it then okay?" I said my voice didn't sound welcoming but I couldn't be I was scared too.

"Okay. Goodnight Karlie."

"Bye Taylor." I hung up the phone walking to get something to drink.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked. "Uh just a water." He gave me a weird look but handed me the water. I chugged the thing pretty fast.

"Hey." I turned at the voice my eyes met with the blonde from earlier who looked prettier in the light.

"Oh hey."

"I'm Toni."


Edit: the next chapter might be a little triggering? If you don't think you'll be able to read it without getting upset about the topic I wouldn't recommend reading it it's controversial topic I'm just saying before anyone gets mad :))

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