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"So you're actually pregnant?" I asked laying on Taylor's bed. "Yes, we'll not for long I guess." She said I grabbed her waist pulling her on my lap.

"You don't have to do this." I said

"I have to actually I can't have this baby." She said I kissed her before she could go on. "When's the appointment?"

"Tuesday will you still be here?" She asked I nodded. "Karlie is this the right decision?" She asked

I didn't know. What was I supposed to say that it would be alright? That we'd live a happy perfect life as teenagers with a kid?

"It might not seem right but it's all we can do Taylor." I said she nodded pushing me on the bed so she could lay on my side. "Did Kaleb take the breakup okay?" I asked she shook her head closing her eyes.

"Goodnight tay." I kissed her temple and held her.


"My parents are coming back today but they know you're here anyways." Taylor mumbled I hated seeing her like this she looked sick and she was tired she hasn't gotten out of bed in 3 days from what Gigi told me.

"Taylor you need to get up." I said she shook her head closing her eyes. "Come on Taylor let's go take a shower I'll help you." I said still nothing from her.

I pulled off her sheets and she made an annoyed noise. "Get up Taylor."

She slowly stood up I helped her into the bathroom she lifted her arms for me to take off her shirt I sighed pulling off her shirt. I took off the rest of her clothes and she got inside letting the warm water hit her body.

"Can you come in?" She asked not turning around. I took off my shirt and boxers the hot water burning my skin a little. I wrapped my arms around her small body she held onto me like I was going to disappear.

The warm water hitting us both like fire. I tried to help Taylor but each time I'd let go she'd cry I wrapped the towel around her and put some clothes on before getting her some.

"Thank you Karlie for doing this." She whispered

"You don't have to thank me Taylor I want to I really love you." I said she forced a smile and kissed my lips. She tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away.

"You're tired let's rest." I said she sighed laying down i cuddled next to her and we both fell asleep.

Edit: so that's happening :(
also Ik it's a short chapter just to fill in what happened with the baby.

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