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"Babe is something wrong you've been acting so weird?" Kaleb asked giving me a confused smile. I felt so guilty I couldn't even look at him.

"Mhm." I hummed not turning away from the tv he kissed my cheek and jumped off his bed. "Let's go get some ice cream? Froyo? Anything?" He said I finally glanced at him smiling.

"Sure." I said standing up we walked out of his room. I felt my heart start beating faster Karlie was sitting on the couch watching some tv our eyes met only for a moment she turned away like it was nothing.

For some reason I felt a little hurt which I shouldn't.
I can't care about her.

Kaleb held my waist as we walked down the road he
insisted we walk to the nearby froyo place I didn't want to because I knew I'd have to actually talk to him.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He asked "Nothings wrong." I lied "Okay it's just you're being super quiet you know if something happe-

"Babe nothings wrong." I said stopping on the side walk to give him a small kiss. "Okay." He said kissing me again before we continued walking.


Sitting in the couch for hours wasn't what I had planned to do today but Cara's still with her friends so it's all I really could do.

I turned my head hearing the doorbell ring. Then again and again. I groaned standing up to get it.

"And who are youuu?" The girl standing outside slurred. "Karlie who are you?" I asked confused.

"Gigi!!! My friend Taylor's here is she?? I need to talk to her well she needs meee." She smiled letting herself in and pushing me out of the way."She's not here she went to get something with Kaleb." I said

"Oh okay." She smiled sitting down on the couch. Was she drunk? It's 2 in the afternoon. On Sunday? "So you're her friend." I asked trying to make small talk. "Yup her bestfriend."

"Cool cool."

"Are you her boyfriend's sister?" She asked I nodded she giggled and turned back to the tv. Weird.

"Im gonna go to my room she'll be here soon I guess." I said she nodded and turned back to Twilight which was playing on the tv.I laid down staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get her out of my mind. Can she? Is she thinking about me too?
I know I should feel bad that I'm feeling this way for my little brother's girlfriend but I don't. He's a jerk anyway I know he's using her for sex. He told me she was the schools "hottest virgin".

I walked outside Gigi still watching twilight I smiled she's funny if she was still there that meant Taylor wasn't back I joined Gigi on the couch and waited.


After what felt like forever of awkward silence and forced kisses we were back at his house I was walking faster than him and opened the door seeing Karlie and Gigi on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Gigi smiled running to hug me I hugged her back a little. "I'm here to talk to you texted me remember???" She smiled she was way too happy she's definitely drunk.

"Hey guys." Karlie smiled standing up I held my breath staring at her. "Hi." I mumbled avoiding eye contact. "Oh hey." Kaleb said lying himself down on the couch next to Gigi.

"I was thinking we should all get out of here for a while? Go bowling? Movies?" Karlie smirked. What is she freaking crazy???

"That sounds fun!" Kaleb said standing up to wrap his arms around me he kissed my cheek I saw the way Karlie's jaw clench from his actions. "Let's go." Gigi said pushing us all out we got into Karlie's car and the memories from Saturday morning all came back. It was a weird feeling it's like she wanted me to not forget about it. All of us going bowling? God I hate her.

Gigi♥️♥️♥️♥️: She's so hotttt

I turned to Gigi who sat down next to me smiling I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

Gigi♥️♥️♥️♥️: is she the girl you kissed 🙀
Gigi♥️♥️♥️♥️: I'm jellyyyy she's so hot and you know it! She's so whipped over you.

I turned off my phone slapping Gigi she finally stopped texting me just in time for us to arrive at the bowling alley.

This is going to be interesting.

Edit: loll Ik this is a dumb story kinda I don't know where this is going but I'm trying to make it not so bad also sorry for the short chapters...n e ways I'll update soon I hope. Also sorry for any spelling errors :)))

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