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"So we're done? It's over?" Gigi laughed sarcastically I sighed. "Yes Gigi."

"Wow ok, this has nothing or everything to do with Taylor right? I know you fucking lied about not sleeping with her. I could smell her fucking perfume all over you." She hissed

"Oh don't act like you haven't slept with the entire fucking world since this started." I yelled

"Whatever. So I just leave and stuff huh?"

"Yes leave."

I closed my door watching her walk out I laid back in my bed running my hands through my hair. Ever since Taylor and I slept together a couple days ago I haven't been able to get her off my mind. Gigi and I weren't a couple I don't know what we were but she did stuff with a lot of people when we were together when I'd even dare look at a girl she'd cry about it for hours it was tiring she was tiring.

I was a jerk to Taylor that day I left her hurt I know I did but I'm just scared. I love her so much and it's scary I thought maybe being a dick or still being with Gigi would take away those feelings but I realized nothing could.

She's still with Kaleb but I know she doesn't like him anymore she's hardly over and kaleb's turning into a smoker, alcoholic douche bag like Gigi and their stupid friends.

Taylor was innocent she was a good girl until all of this started until we met until she had an...fuck. I grabbed some clothes and took a shower going to sleep after. I need to get my mind off things.


"So there's a fair tomorrow we should go." Joe smiled.

Joe was a friend of mine I made while working at this dumb bar that hired underaged kids. Joe was 18 I think he's kinda weird always obsessing over girls when they come around he has an accent it makes a lot of this shit he says funny. He's pretty chill though he's like one of the few people I still talk to.

"We should go?" I asked drying a cup with a towel placing it to side with the rest.

"Yea it seems fun rides, good, what a blast!" He said a little too enthusiastic I nodded walking off to take and order.


"I can't believe I let you drab me to this shitty place." I groaned lighting a cigarette and placing it between my lips.

"Oh don't be a burden let's go find some cotton!" He said pulling me to a good stand. I forcefully followed behind him and waited to the side while he got his food.


I saw her she was with some friends waiting in line to get on the ferries wheel. Fuck.

"Hey Joe hurry up." I bugged he got it and I practically dragged him towards the ride cutting in line to get to Taylor.

"Oh hey." She mumbled

"Hey Taylor I need to talk to you." I said

"Ok. Go on." She said the line moving up quickly.

"No alone get on this ride with me?" I said she nodded we took our seats and buckled in sitting across each other.

"Taylor I'm sorry. For being vague and rude last time I saw you. I'm tired of whatever is going on I want to make it all clear I want you to know that I love you I really do I have for 6 months now Taylor. I want to be with you."

"Karlie..I love you too, and I'm sorry for hiding us I don't want to anymore Karlie I want you and I want people to know it. And I know it won't be easy and you'll be just a bad girl for my perfect reputation but I don't care I want you to ruin it." She smiled

"I really want to kiss you right now." I mumbled

"Dont. Wait til we get down I don't wanna die." She laughed I smiled staring at the beautiful girl in front of me who I could now call mine.

After we got down our lips met almost instantly they belong together. The kiss was short but special.

I walked with my arm around her shoulder till we found somewhere more private.

"So what does this mean?" She asked

"Well I hope it means that no more sneaking around? Not just hooking up?" I said holding both her hands in mine staring into her deep blue eyes.

"Yes." She said kissing me again

"And I found out about you and Gigi." She whispered.


"I'm sorry."

"It's fine she gets crazy like that she came to my house that day crying about you and how much of a bitch you were she said she missed me and she's sorry for ever choosing you over me." She laughed

"Glad you two are friends?" I smiled she returned the smiled taking my hand I slipped mine in hers as we walked back to the fair.

"I want a cliche night you go and win me stuffed animals and we go on dumb cute rides then we go home and you blow my back out." She whispered

"And they say romance is dead." I smirked

"Maybe we should just skip to the last part?" I winked

"Nope. Go win me a giraffe!" She pulled me to a game I smiled.

Life was perfect well for now I don't know what the future holds but right now it was perfect that's all that mattered.

Edit: hiii way to make a book move fast lolll anyways this isn't the last chapter but I might make a second book...

I didn't proof read this like I usually don't so ignore any spelling mistakes for now xxx byeee

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