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"So you two are going to dinner?" Candice smirked wiggling her eyebrows I shook my head and picked up James. "He's so lucky to have me as the coolest aunt." I smiled Candice rolled her eyes. "More like creepy uncle."

"Oh I'm not creepy!" I faked a pout she giggled poking my ribs. "Just a little, you're the cute uncle too." She smiled I smiled back keeping my stare James crying broke the encounter I didn't know was happening.

"Sorry." Candice blushed taking the little boy from my arms I finished cleaning up breakfast and got dressed after a while I heard Candice calling me I walked into her room she laid on her bed looking tired I smiled softly and sat down next to her. "What's up?"

"Do you think Taylor would totally hate the idea of a double date?" She giggled I looked at her curiously letting James' hand grab into my finger. "With who?"

"Some guy he's nice, he wants to get dinner too but I don't wanna go alone, come with me!" She mumbled I looked up at her. "I didn't know you were seeing someone?"

"Uhh don't get all mom on me! I'm not undateable because I have a kid plus I can't live with you forever. It'll be you and Taylor and me." I laughed turning to James who was now trying to stuff my finger in his toy. "Ow." I grumbled standing and spinning him gently in the air Candice told me to put him down.

"Mommy's so boring." I whispered to him the blonde rolled her eyes. "So this guy you're seeing is he good in bed?" I smirked she blushed pushing me.

"So that's a yes."

"You're dirty kloss."

"Is he better than-

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Candice said sternly I laughed a little. I knew I was better than him, not that I wanted to be I just was it's why a lot of girls stayed with me, I actually knew how please them. I smiled confidently to myself thinking of Taylor and how I made her blush at the movies how her simple touch to my hand made me tremble, no girl had that effect on me.

I eventually got out of my day dream and Candice took James from me to go sleep him before she started work. I agreed to take care of him some days and the others she had a babysitter she still couldn't afford much and she even admitted to going on dates with older men. I didn't want her to keep having to do all this I just hoped she was one hell of a bartender.


"You look beautiful." I smiled pulling out a chair for Taylor she blushed. "You do too."

"Since I've never taken you on a proper date, I hope this makes up for it."  I whispered she nodded I sighed sitting back in my chair uncomfortably I didn't know why it felt so weird. "You look really nice." Taylor smiled leaning forward her hand delicately grazed mine I looked into her eyes smiling before holding onto her hand. My thumb massaged her knuckles.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too, can we get out of here I need to hold you." She whispered I felt my stomach swarm with butterflies.

We walked out together my hand was wrapped around her waist and she didn't let go of my hand I wanted to kiss her but I knew I couldn't she was still with Joe and I had to respect that. For know we were simply friends again and friends hugged and held hands.

We got to my apartment and Candice was out with that guy Taylor's eyes wondered around staring at all the baby things thrown around. "So that girls really living with you?" She asked I nodded holding her hand and pulling her to my room. "Are you sleeping with her?" Taylor asked I shook my head.

"She's seeing someone." I said Taylor nodded and slipped off her shoes before we climbed up my bed. "Just hold me." She whispered I nodded and held her she stuffed her head into my chest and gripped my waist soon I could tell she was asleep.

I couldn't sleep though I stayed away listening to Taylor's breathing watching her turn slightly she was adorable and perfect I didn't realize how much I missed her and how much the thought of losing her again terrified me.


"Mmm nope this is so much better than that stupid restaurant." I smiled taking another bite of the oven pizza Taylor giggled shrugging. "I'm gonna steal this." Taylor smiled hugging my hoodie closer I smiled back. "Okay."

"This was perfect, I missed you Kar." Taylor whispered hugging me I hugged her back. "Me too."

"Friends?" She asked looking up at me I had to stop myself from taking too loud of a breath before I nodded. "Friends."

"Joes calling." She mumbled moving away slowly she picked it up and when she came back out of my room she had her things. "Text me okay?" She asked I walked her out.

"Okay." I gave her a fake smile and desperately wished her was fake too. I knew I couldn't be the only one feeling this.

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