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"Baby come back to bed!" Joe groaned I smiled softly and shook my head. "I have to get to class." I lied I hated lying to Joe I don't know why I did he wasn't the best boyfriend but something about this scared me. It's not like Karlie and I were anything more than friends so I shouldn't be paranoid to meet her right?

"Okay see you later." I smiled he kissed me quickly and I got off the bed I closed the door behind me and didn't look back.

I walked down the street stopping at a small cafe to get a coffee I even got one for Karlie as I made my way to her apartment.

I stood at the door for a minute after a while it opened I was met with a very busy Karlie she didn't even offer me in before she ran off to get something with James in her arms. "I brought you coffee." I smiled closing the door she smiled thanking me.

"You're babysitting?" I asked sitting down on a stool next to the counter. "Just for a little he's not too bad of course except when he doesn't stop crying, I'm not the best with kids." She smiled I nodded walking over. "Let me try." I mumbled taking the little boy in my arms.

He calmed quickly and distracted himself with my necklace I giggled. "You'd be such a good mom." Karlie sighed starting at us.

"Joe wants to start trying." I mumbled almost forgetting who I was talking to. Karlie looked like she'd seen a ghost. I don't want a family with Joe I don't even think I'm sure I want him anymore.

"Oh." Was all she said

"I mean I've told him he's crazy. I would never have a kid this young." I said high school memories flashing back. Karlie nodded walking away I looked down at the little boy smiling. "You're only 20." Karlie said I nodded "That's way too young to have a kid he's only what a year older?" She asked

"Karlie I'm not getting pregnant."

"The thought of him even touching you hurts me." She mumbled I stayed quiet. I couldn't fall into this. "Karlie I said friends that's it don't make this hard for me."

"I know and I'm sorry but maybe..maybe we shouldn't be friends not if I feel this way for you. It hurts to much to see you." She said I wanted to cry it hurt to see her too.

"But I like being friends." I spoke moving James to be settled against my chest. "You don't get it Taylor you should go Candice is gonna be home soon." She said taking James from me. "Karlie I'm sorry.."

"Taylor you did nothing wrong just go."



I didn't say another word I grabbed my bag and left tears in my eyes I continued down the street and tried my best not to let my emotions take over.



"I mean yeah maybe you two just need to stop seeing each other even if that means no friendship." Candice mumbled

"I need to get my mind off things." I sighed getting up from the bed. "Wait Karlie." She spoke sitting up "Come back to bed." She mumbled I walked back slowly feeling like I knew where this was going.

"I can help you..." she whispered her hand moved down to my jeans over my hard on. "You're already..please let me take things off your mind." She whispered I turned to kiss her.

"We can't do this." I mumbled but my words fell to deaf ears as she continued to kiss me and as I continued to kiss her I walked to get a condom and slipped back towards the girl.

This was going to mess up everything mess up living with her and entirely even speaking to her but I didn't care not at the moment at least I needed to get Taylor off my mind.


"Hey Karlie.." I heard someone mumbling beside me I turned slowly faced with Candice also just waking up. "Your phone." She mumbled I sat up pulling on a shirt I pulled my boxers on as well and sat up Candice shifted toward me still naked and hugged my waist. "Shh." She mumbled I smiled a little bit pushing her away I picked up the phone it was Taylor, why was she calling so late?

Taylor: hi
Taylor: karlie
Taylor: I'm sorry!
Taylor: please answer
Taylor: I'm drunk sorryYyy
Taylor: pick me up!!
Taylor: karlieeee
Taylor: please
Taylor: I love you
Taylor: I love you I love you I love you I love youuuuiuiuiuuu
Taylor: open your door!
Taylor: I'm outside

I ran quickly off the bed to get the door Taylor sat on a steep crying I wrapped my arms around her quickly letting her cry into me. "Shhh baby." I whispered

"Karlie don't leave me."

"Please karlie." She cried

"Come inside." I poured her some water and she sat on the couch her eyes puffy from crying and her nose was pink she looked adorable. I walked to Candice's room scared. "Taylor?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry we shouldn't have done this it was a really stupid mistake." I gushed she nodded pulling her clothes back on. "Goodnight." She mumbled I smiled and walked out closing the door behind me.

"Why are you naked?" Taylor mumbled blushing a little I smiled she always got childish when drunk. "I'm not naked."

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked shyly I nodded helping her to my room. "Did you have sex with Candice?" She asked I was startled a bit but nodded. "Oh. Is she your girlfriend?"

"No it was a mistake I didn't want to it just happened." I said getting in bed Taylor nodded. "Can we make a mistake?" She asked


"Just hold me." She mumbled I wrapped my arms around her and let her nuzzle her head into my neck. "Goodnight Taylor."

"Love you Karlie." She sleepily mumbled not knowing anything she was saying I laughed a little before drifting to sleep.


"Karlie I'm sorry." Taylor apologized once again I sighed shaking my head. "Taylor I told you it's fine.." I laughed nervously Taylor was a crying mess in my kitchen and I still had a kid to care for. "Karlie I shouldn't have come here but honestly I'm glad I did because I don't want you to sleep with Candice anymore."

"I don't want Joe getting you pregnant." I said she stared at me uneasily. "What are we gonna do?" She asked I pulled her close to me while she rested her head on my chest. "I don't know." I mumbled kissing the top of her head.

Edit: hmmm...friends? Dating? Nothing?

I miss kaylor in real life...can they just fucking like a post or something! Be friends again ugh!

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