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"Okay babe you're with me let's beat them." Kaleb smiled I nodded staring ahead at Karlie and Gigi who seemed to be in a world of their own laughing about I don't even know what. They were sharing a slushee and I hated it I wanted to be sharing the slushee with Karlie. Ugh.

"Okay you two love birds go first." Kaleb said grabbing Karlie's attention she smiled grabbing a ball slipping her fingers inside slowly. She slid the ball and of course to no surprise she got a strike. I saw the way Gigi cheered for her all happy and jumping around to hug her I rolled my eyes grabbing a ball only to hit 2 pins. Karlie laughed a little I glared at her. "That was good babe!" Kaleb interrupted our not planned staring contest.

"It wasn't but okay, I'm gonna go to the bathroom Gigi come with?" I said she smiled standing up and started walking with me.

"What's up with you and Karlie? Flirting? You barely met her." The tone of my voice angrier than I thought. "Woah no need to get all jealous she's just cool and laid back like me I guess that's why we get along." She smiled

"So what I'm not laid back?"

"Tay I know what's happening you need to talk to her she really likes you." She said "She doesn't like me she likes my ass or my boobs all I know is that she's nothing but a player in fact Kaleb said the only reason she's at their house is because she's fucked all of the girls at her friends apartment!" I practically yelled.

"Okay chill sorry I didn't know she just asked me to flirt with her to make you jealous and I'm sorry I did it was I guess easier because she's yea hot." Gigi admitted I nodded washing my hands and fixing my makeup before we left.

The rest of the night was awkward Gigi and Karlie were taking most of the time less flirting and Kaleb was the only one still bowling. "Alright are we gonna get going?" Karlie asked we all agreed walking out back to her car.

"Bye Gigi see you tomorrow." I hugged her before we dropped her off. "Do you want me to drop you off?" Karlie turned to me I didn't lift my head only nodded. I wanted to talk to her but I know kalebs in the car and I can't even if he's half asleep.

"Thanks." I smiled "I'll walk you in." She mumbled I was going to say it's fine but I desperately wanted to talk to her.

"Taylor I'm sorry for doing this I know you didn't want to and you said forget it but I can't it's stupid fuck okay bye." She said all flushed it was cute I grabbed her arm pulling her into a hug. 

"I can't forget it either." I whispered

"Then don't. Please." She said still holding me. "But we have to Karlie."

"No one has to know." She said I took a breath nodding. "I'll see you later." I said she tried to kiss me but I turned to the side resulting in her lips on my cheek.

"Kaleb is in the car."

"Shit I forget okay bye Taylor."

"Bye Karlie."


"Why are you all smiley?" Abi asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Nothing really." I smiled "Spilll." She said pushing me I turned to her. "I'm just happyyy." I said

"Did you and Kaleb-

"What! Ew no omg." I said almost too loud the students around the class turned their heads I looked down embarrassed class went on and through the entire day Abigail tried to force out whatever I was hiding. It's not that Abigail would care I liked girls, but that means 2 people would know and soon it'll be three then 4 and it's just too much. I also feel super bad because I'm close with Abi but since Gigi is open to sleeping with girls I thought it'd be easier to tell her.

"Okay well I'm mad at you so get a ride from your boyfriend." Abi said leaving before I could say anything back I sighed walking to Kaleb he stood with his friends all laughing about who knows what.

"Hey can you give me a ride?" I asked

"Sure." He said saying bye to his friends we walked to his car hand in hand. "You wanna come over for a bit?" He asked I nodded slowly really only wanting to see Karlie.

The drive was like all of them his hand on my thigh that didn't even match to the butterflies I feel when karlie and I make eye contact. His terrible choice in music and my head staring straight ahead looking out the window.

"Something wrong again?" He asked I shook my head and kissed him it's how I get him to shut up and stop questioning my emotions.

Karlie was sitting on the couch like she was last time wearing nothing but boxers and a masculine looking tank top. I blushed at the sight turning away. "Oh hey." She said standing up

"Gonna go change." She laughed I looked up only to see her back which was of course attractive she had a tattoo on her back also the way her muscles moved from each step was mesmerizing. Kaleb wasn't nearly half as attractive as her.

I know I said I should stop my impulsive thoughts about Karlie but I can't and she admitted she couldn't either...as long as no one knows.

"Wanna go to my room?" Kaleb asked getting a beer from his fridge which was immediately taken by Karlie she winked at him popping the lid to drink it. "You can't drink." She said

"You can't either you're 19." He laughed "You're 17 farther away." She shrugged laying back on the couch now wearing sweatpants and a band shirt not hers though.

I sat down next to her wanting to be as close as possible without raising suspicion to Kaleb. "Fine we'll all watch a movie." He grunted sitting on the opposite side of me. I sat between the two awkwardly fidgeting with the ring in my finger as they fought over what movie to watch. They finally decided on Superbad.

"I'm gonna go pee." Kaleb stood up before I could even turn back around Karlie was pulling me towards her and my lips were on hers.

Updating again lol don't mine the spelling mistakes I'll fix them l8er k bye

Also sorry if this feels like it's going fast paced they are going to start seeing each other a lot more often if you wanted a slow burn this wasn't really it I'm sorrrry I don't know how people have these 50+ chapter stories I'm just so bad at improvising lol so enjoy these next chapters :))))

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