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"I just don't want you to get hurt." Bella mumbled putting another clean glass on the rack. "I'm the one who hurt her, years ago and things were harder she was my brother's girlfriend still in high school she's in college now." I said Bella nodded again.

I knew she was mad about me getting with Taylor but at least she wasn't trying anything. She was actually trying to help me.

"So how long since you've seen her?" She asked "A week? She's really busy with college but she's coming over for dinner today." I smiled Bella nodded again without leaving she went to the back I didn't want to push it. I liked Bella as a friend and I missed not being with her but I shouldn't have to flirt with her to keep her nice.


"How was work?" Taylor asked pouring water into the pot I leaned on a cabinet watching her. "Pretty good. How was school?" I asked I watched Taylor bend over to grab something out of the oven. Along with that I got a perfect view of her ass. Oh shit no panties?

I quickly averted my eyes from the new realization of Taylor going commando. She definitely did that on purpose. "Karlie I asked you a question!" She snapped I looked up at her confused.

"When are you off?" She asked "Oh sorry. I'm not sure I could check if you want." I smiled she nodded kissing my cheek. "You smell good." She mumbled her fingers trailed the buttons on my shirt and undid the first few. "Irresistible." She mumbled kissing my lips quickly.

I sat down in front of her smiling at little at her weird antics. "So where's your roomie?" She asked I felt the heel of her shoes rubbing a line into my leg. "She's with her boyfriend."

"Fun." Taylor smiled I nodded we stared at each other for a minute I felt my jeans tighten at the sight of Taylor innocently bitting her lower lip. Thankfully the oven beeping brought us out of our short intimate stare. Soon enough we were eating.

After that we laid on my bed some movie was playing but I wasn't paying much attention to it. Taylor who laid under my arm seemed to find it very amusing she'd giggle a few times and even grab my attention when she liked a scene. "What are you thinking about?" Taylor frowned turning down the volume.


"What about us?"

"A good us, I can't believe you're back in my arms." I smiled kissing her she kissed me slowly back. "I saw you got a guitar." She smiled

"Cara dropped off some stuff, remember my old band?" I laughed Taylor's eyes widened and she nodded her head quickly. "You're getting back together?" Her voice was filled with excitement, I simply shrugged. "Not for sure, I haven't even played in a while." She nodded resting on my chest before lifting her head again.

"Hey kar do you have any underwear?" Taylor asked embarrassed I smiled a little sitting up. "Boxers?"

"Of course." She mumbled getting off the bed. "Take off your shirt and just wear these, you'll look hot." I smirked Taylor pulled the grey boxers on and pulled off her shirt her small red bra propped her boobs up I had to physically pull my eyes away.

"Do I look sexyyy?" Taylor smiled spinning around I pulled her to my arms. "Very."

"Why weren't you wearing underwear weirdo?" I asked kissing her. "I thought I'd get fucked tonight." She teased I felt my body tense. Confident Taylor made me so weak.

"Sorry Candice came back earlier."

"It's fine." She smiled I nodded I picked her up and carried her to my bed. "You look really good in my clothes."

"You look really good in no clothes." Taylor whispered pulling the edge of my shirt I quickly lifted it off my body and immediately felt chills run through my body as Taylor's hands roamed my back. "I forgot how sexy tattoos were on woman." Taylor growled kissing my shoulder I chuckled a little.

"Slow down tiger."

"There's a party this Friday and I really want you to go with me." Taylor smiled I nodded I forgot all about the party life when I moved back here. I know I'm still 22 and that's a prime partying age but when I started working at the bar I sorta forgot all about that lifestyle. Taylor seemed to still be a party girl. "Those are like rich frat ones right?" I asked Taylor laughed a little "Yes I suppose, but I promise not everyone's a pretentious douchbag." She smiled

"Alright I'll try an arrange some things." I smiled kissing her goodnight.

Edit: hiii this is sorta a filler chapter so nothing too special...yet. Let me know if you have any ideas for this story I don't know much of what to do with it.

Alsooooo today I went back and reread this old story and omf that shit was terrible! I had so many misspellings and the way I used to type kills me lol. I'm trying to get better but I'll probably be writing the same thing a couple months from now.

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