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I woke up slowly lifting my eyes open turning to an empty bed. Was Karlie gone?

Fuck my legs hurt a little when I stood.

It was already 9 there was no sense in going to school if I'm late. I walked downstairs seeing Karlie watching tv on my couch I smiled a little she looked so cute.

"Hi." I said my voice scratchy because I just woke up. "Oh hey." She smiled standing up but then quickly turning her head I shot her a confused look then looked at myself I was naked holy crap.

I ran back upstairs grabbing some loose shirt and some shorts before walking back down my cheeks flushed. "Sorry."

"Hey I didn't mind." She winked I smiled walking to go get some water. "Did my parents not see you?" I asked walking to lay next to her my head resting on her lap while her fingers ran through my hair.

"Yea well I woke up last night I figured they'd get here eventually I cleaned up the mess we made and stuff and in the morning they came knocking I told them I was a friend and that your stomach was hurting thank god they're not like helicopter parents." She said I laughed a little. "Yea." I said she nodded looking up at the tv.

Sometimes it felt like this wasn't real like she wasn't real. I'd wake up and she wouldn't be there. She wasn't perfect what we were doing was actually so bad but being with her made me feel so many things I didn't know I could. I'd do so much for someone I barely knew.

"Your phone was ringing." Her voice brought me out of my worried thoughts I sat up kissing her a while making sure it was all real she existed and this wasn't a dream.

"That was unexpected." She smiled I just stood up to grab my phone.

Gigi♥️♥️♥️♥️: I have now called you 19 times and still no answer where the fuck are youuu that bitch fucked you into tomorrow!!!

Gigi♥️♥️♥️♥️: okay I've now realized you aren't going to answer so this is my last text good fucking night I hate you.

I smiled at her text shaking my head the rest of the text were subtle and from my other sane friends. They were all just asking where I was and if I was okay. I responded to them and set my phone down walking back to Karlie I laid down on her lap again this time drifting to sleep.


I watched Taylor curl into a ball on me it was literally adorable. Her hair was curly in some parts her light makeup was a little messy and her lips were now a redder color.

I mentally slapped myself looking at her neck which had a few hickeys I was gonna get killed for those. I let her sleep a while longer before I woke her up around 12.

"Hey are you still tired?" I asked she yawned shaking her head a little. "You wanna stay here all day or go out for awhile?" I asked

"Is this you saying you want to leave?" She looked taken back. "What? No I never want to leave Taylor seriously yesterday was perfect just being with you I wanted to stay here again you know all day watch movies and hug you." I smiled "That sounds nice." She said kissing me quickly.

And it was it was perfect.

Taylor and I baked together she was way better than me but my cookies were sorta good beside the ones I burnt she made me watch some of her cheesy chick flicks and I made her watch a scary movie she hid under the blanket most of the time.

It was getting late now I hated this party saying goodbye. Usually I don't I just have one night stands but Taylor was different I didn't want to ever say goodbye.

I laid on her bed scrolling through my phone. "Hey." She said I turned staring at her in a matching lingerie.


"I know you're leaving tonight and I was just was gonna miss you." She said seductively walking towards me.

"You look-

"No talking baby I'm gonna do the work tonight." She said climbing on top of me.

Edit ahh top daddy Taylor yes! Lmfao anyways umm this story is now getting interesting. You're all in for a ride lol and ty to the people that vote each chapter ur much appreciated have a good dayyy all of you and bye.

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