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"That night shouldn't have happened." Candice spoke I looked up from the little boy jumping on my lap. "I know." I mumbled she sighed sitting down next to me. "But if you wanted to the truth you're way better than him, honestly I just missed orgasms." She mumbled I chuckled a little

"We can't live together if you like me Candice." I said I know it was really shitty but I had to get it out there. "I don't- I don't like you Karlie." She snarled I looked at her unsure. "You promise?" I asked she nodded. "Okay well I can't take care of him tonight I have to go see someone." I said she took James from my arms. "That's fine he's going with Trey."

"The guy?"


"Okay good!" I smile excited she was still seeing him I really did hope she didn't like me I couldn't have this not now and not with her living with me. Things were awkward with Taylor too now she's been avoiding my calls but she thankfully agreed to having dinner tonight.


"You'd be such a good mom is all." I smiled leaning against the door as I watched Taylor sway James around the room. After our dinner we got home to Candice and some dude practically having sex on my couch thankfully we didn't see much and thankfully James was sleeping but they've gone to go get stuff and now he's awake Taylor's been trying to sleep him but he seems to find her hair far more interesting then sleeping.

"Thank you." Taylor mumbled I nodded taking a sip of my coke before putting it down to help her. "Gross. Diet is way better." Taylor said I scrunched up my face.

"No fucking way! Diet Coke is absolutely shit!" I laughed Taylor shook her head. "Maybe he wants to go play." Taylor said walking out of the room to my room we laid on the floor and James laid on his play mat bitting at some crunchy noise toys in Taylor's lap.

"Soon he'll be calling you mommy." I snorted

"I mean Candice isn't around anyways. Where is she? It's getting late I have to get going and honestly no offense I don't know if I can leave you with him tonight." Taylor said sounding really frustrated "I'm not even drunk." I groaned

"You're getting there. No more beers and call Candice please." Taylor said I nodded standing up to dial the girl who answered quickly telling me she wasn't having sex.

I walked back into the room watching James cling to Taylor's chest. "She's almost here."

"Finally." Taylor mumbled I smiled a little. "This isn't about Friday right...?" I asked eyebrows raised Taylor scoffed. "You think I'm jealous you slept with her?"

"I mean..-

"I'm not for your information. Why did you do it though?" She asked I shrugged not being able to tell her I did it to get my mind off her. "We both were..

"Okay gross yeah I get it."

"Gross?? That same night I swore you asked me to fuck you!" I laughed Taylor's cheeks went red. "Stop cussing."

"Yes ma'am."

"You're a child I swear." Taylor said poking my rib as she stood to get the door I held James on my hip and followed behind her. Candice walked in with more stuff for James some groceries and even some more clothes which I'm guessing the guy bought for her he seemed to have money.

"I'm so sorry for being late, thank you guys for watching him." She mumbled rushing to take her baby I smiled simply nodding Taylor did aswell she also began to grab her coat.

I walked Taylor out to her car. "It's chilly get back inside." Taylor murmured stubbornly I chuckled a little wrapping my arm around her waist. "I like jealous tay."


"I'll see you later." I whispered standing at her car Taylor nodded leaning up to kiss my cheek I smiled and hugged her one last time before walking back to my apartment.

"You two will be alright? I gotta head to work." I said helping Candice put away some things she smiled and nodded hugging me halfway as I left.

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