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*2 months later*

"So Christmas is next week are you inviting Taylor?" My dad asked staring at Kaleb with a smirk I continued to drink my orange juice trying my best it ignore this whole conversation.

Taylor has gone crazy.

Okay maybe she's not crazy but we've had sex about 16 times more since we last did and she wants it all probably more if not. It's hard seeing her when it's not in her bed or my apartment room which we've only been to twice. I can't help but feel slightly awkward when she gets home with Kaleb and they go play watch some stupid movie.

"Oh yea I invited her." He said I walked to my room trying not to think of how bad that's gonna be.

Incoming Call from Taylr

"Hey?" I smiled laying in my bed.

"Oh hi, my parents they aren't going to be home if you wanted to come over?" She asked

"Yea that sounds good." I lied

"Okay bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone staring at the ceiling. I shouldn't feel like this I am the one who said it was nothing but hookups and I want so much more now It's almost 100 percent clear it's all she wants.

I changed into something nice and was out the door before anyone could question where I was going. I stopped to get some roses and drove to her house.

I rang the bell and waited for a second.


"Hey you look nice." She smiled gesturing for me to go inside."

"Thanks." I walked inside handing her the roses she smiled taking them. "I love them."

"Taylor I don't want to have sex with you." I said "What?" She laughed a little

"I can't I can't hook up with you anymore Taylor it hurts I like you so much and you..you know I do Taylor and all you fucking want us hookups and it's my fault because thats what I said this all was but I can't I'm sorry Taylor." I said my voice hurt from not crying.

"Karlie you know that's all it can ever be right?" She said walking closer towards me. "No it doesn't have to be like this Taylor."

"Are you hearing yourself Karlie? Me and you what do you actually want us to be like fucking girlfriends or something? Seriously Karlie that's insane you knew it when it started it was just simply hooking up with random girls nothing new to you." She crossed her arms I turned around opening the door.

"Yea it's stupid anyway Cara and I are starting again I'll be gone by next week, have a good year Taylor." I said her eyes had something behind them but the walls she put up were too hard to read behind I gave up closing the door and walking back to my car.


"So that's like it?" Gigi asked "I guess." I shrugged turning my attention back to class. "And she just left you?"


"What a fucking jerk. I knew it she had those 'using you' vibes." Gigi said I nodded not turning back towards her I lied I told her Karlie left but she didn't she came back. After the thing with the roses we hadn't spoke until the day she was leaving she came to say goodbye.

We hooked up again it was like some kind of closure sex. We both knew it would be easier to just forget about what we did and move on. It seemed harder for her but now it hurts me too. She's gone actually gone when I go over to Kaleb's house I know she won't be laying on the couch watching tv. I know she won't show up in the middle of the night to just see me.

Tears appeared on the brim of my eyes I quickly wiped them and packed my backpack.

Me: Hey it's Taylor I know you probably don't want to hear from me anymore but I...

I sighed deleting the text before I sent it and walked to lunch.

"What's wrong baby?" Kaleb put his arms around my waist.

"Nothing my stomach just hurts a little." I said feeling the pain grow by the second.

"Fuck I think I'm gonna throw up." I mumbled pushing him off and running to the nearest trash can

I held onto the side throwing up my breakfast.


Edit: lol this is taking a turn.

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