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"So you're bringing your ex to the party?" Selena groaned her face pure of disappointment. The tables were now turned, I'd always be the one on Selena about her stupid ex. "She's not an ex..." I mumbled

"She's the sister of the brother right?" She asked applying more makeup to her neck. "Yep."

"You're sleeping with her friend." I snorted her eyes shot back to me confused. "That British girl. They're friends" I smirked wiggling my eyebrows. "Ohhh yeah I get you she's hot." Selena giggled I rolled my eyes. It was like I couldn't escape Karlie, not that I wanted to. Selena and Cara started hooking up not long ago she barely even told me who the girl was I was honestly just glad she was getting over Justin.

I fixed my hair a little and checked my dress out again. "Yes you look amazinggggg!! Let's go Cara is picking us up!" Selena yelled I shook my head a little of course she was already tipsy.

Selena introduced me to Cara who I had surprisingly never met. I sat in the back seat awkwardly watching the two not able to keep their hands off each other. Thankfully Karlie was the next stop.

"I'll go get her." I smiled Cara and Selena were too busy making out to notice I shrugged it off and went to get Karlie.

"Hey." She smiled opening the door without a shirt. "Put on a shirt." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry." Karlie smirked walking to her room. "What if it wasn't me at the door?" I raised an eyebrow "Then lucky whoever opened the door?" Karlie smiled kissing me the kiss ended too quick.

"Let's get out of here." She said fixing her hair I nodded and walked out with her hand in hand. "Those horn dogs are fucking!" Karlie laughed I smiled a little getting in before her.

"Are you guys drunk?" Karlie asked pulling on her seatbelt. "Nope." Cara winked and started the car I ignored the two and settled in Karlie's arms.

Things weren't like this with Joe. He was quiet and always wanted to be in his room settling down like we were 30 or something. It wasn't what I wanted and I'm glad Karlie only made me realize that even more.

"Don't get drunk on me." Karlie mumbled walking with her arm around my waist. "When have I ever?" I smiled she kissed me and looked ahead. The party was alright it wasn't anything special I'd been on my third time of asking Karlie to dance with me and she refused again.

"I'm gonna dance by myself." I slurred a little Karlie stayed on the bar stool. I felt my body relax to the music and no surprise it didn't take long until I felt someone dancing against me. I got a glance of the guy and he wasn't the worst looking, my eyes shot back to Karlie's as I continued to dance with the guy. The intense stare of hers was doing things to my body but she never stood.

My body turned around so I could finally face the guy and as his hand was about to wrap around my waist I felt myself being pulled back. Familiar arms I sank into and let wrap around my body.

"You thought that was funny?" Karlie asked she sounded angry. "You wouldn't dance with me." I mumbled.

"Did you like the way he touched you?" Karlie growled I pushed her off me. "Don't talk to me like that."

"Like what?"

"It's not attractive. I want to go home." I whispered

"So now it's my fault you were dancing with the guy!" Karlie yelled grabbing attention from a few people around us, all who quickly went back to dancing. "No but you didn't want to go..and and! ugh I hate you sometimes I swear." I groaned my fists pressed against her chest Karlie sighed rubbing my back. "I'm sorry I can't be mad at you either." She whispered.

"Take me home." I repeated Karlie nodded and we walked out of the crowded room.


Taylor fell asleep on the way to her place the taxi ride soon became a death ride. We hardly ever fought before because our relationship was nothing more than sexual. The thought of not being able to hold an emotional connection to her was eating me up.

I helped Taylor to her bed and sat down on the carpet flood I didn't sleep the night. I probably should've, my thoughts got dark when I was alone.

My boyfriend's sister Where stories live. Discover now