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"You know you're really hot when you're mad." I smirked Taylor just glared at me in response. She was mad because she was studying for some test and I was 'distracting' I told her I'd go home but she said no. She's confusing.

"Ughhhhh!!!" She yelled throwing her book and running her hands through her hair in a frustrated manner.

"I think you need a break." I walked over to her desk kissing her neck a bit hitting a spot erupting soft moans from her lips immediately.

"Karlie no." She faintly whispered but her actions said otherwise as she turned in her desk standing up I pushed her on the bed gently her arms pulled me down on her I kissed down her neck she turned her head giving me more access.

My hand slipped under her shirt feeling the soft skin under my fingers I pulled off her shirt leaving her in a small black bra, her body was seriously perfect. I kissed down her chest and back up to her lips.

"I want you so bad right now." She whispered I smiled pulling off her shirt her hands roaming my abs kissing my jaw. I slipped of my jeans and her shorts were off soon after.

I was so hard it was embarrassing she smiled at my nervousness I pushed her back down and kissed her tongue sucking it for a second she moaned in response. Her body squirmed under my touch my hands slid down her stomach to her matching black panties her head flew back as my finger slid down her wet folds. I slid my finger inside easily then another and finally a third her moans were louder now, good thing no one was home.

I fastened my pace until I curled them hitting her g spot she cried a little her nails digging into my back they hurt a little but it only turned me on more.

I felt her come undone the liquid covering my fingers I took my finger out slowly brining them to my lips and sucking them clean she stared at me in awe.

I brought my fingers to her lips she slowly opened her mouth sucking on them I pushed them further having a little too much fun watching her she gagged pushed me away.

"You're so dirty." She rolled her eyes I laughed under my breath a little wrapping my arms around her laying down. "Sorry that was so hot...."

"So you're kinky?"

"What does that mean?" I asked

"You like weird sex things I know you do it's grosssss." She said covering her face in my neck. "I don't?"

"Then why did you enjoy watching me choke on your fingers?"

"Whatever." I smiled kissing her cheek quickly I tried to get up but her arms wrapped around my neck told me otherwise.

"We aren't done here."

"Okay." I whispered she was using her seductive evil voice I love it.


"So I'm finally meeting your parents?" Karlie asked I sighed nodding. "You've met them before but this is like dinner, for your birthday it's big Karlie and I'm so nervous-

"Its gonna be fine babe I promise." She said calming my nerves a bit.

Karlie's birthday is next week and since my parents have somewhat already found out about us I invited them to dinner with her and Austin. My parents didn't care much when I told them I was seeing her they treated it no differently then when I was dating Kaleb which I am so lucky for how accepting they are. I've only finally got the nerve to tell them I am bi no one else really knows beside Gigi and I think Kaleb probably but I want to tell Abigail I just haven't got to it. I know she won't be disgusted or anything she was so happy for Austin when he came out.

I overthink things too much is what Karlie told me. Maybe I do.

"I have to get going to work see you Friday?" She asked I smiled and nodded giving her a hug and kiss before she left I watched her walk out and walked back to my room turning on Glee and finishing up some homework.

Edit: hii I didn't proof read so sorry for anything spelling mistakes also sorry for the short chapter I can't really make them long lol

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