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"Sorry I did that last night." Bella spoke I shrugged not wanting to make anything of it. "I didn't hate the idea." She smiled I smiled softly and shook my head.

"Bella we aren't going to start dating." I mumbled trying not to seem mad about this. "I know but Karlie I seriously don't think Taylor and you will get back together just get over her." She said shutting the door after I sighed sitting down in my chair.

I never get over Taylor. I dated other people slept with a lot but in every person I searched for Taylor and her being brought back into my life gave me hope. I heard the door open and close I didn't bother looking up until I heard a distant familiar voice.

"Candice?" I raised an eyebrow looking at the blonde who stood in front of me in a tiny dress that look like it'd been worn all night. "Karlie. Look I know you probably don't even want to see me again but, I really need a job Karlie and you know I have a baby boy now he's only three months I can't live-

"Hey hey it's okay come here." I mumbled standing to hug the girl who began to cry in my arms she held onto me tight and I felt my shirt began to drench in her tears. "I'm sorry Karlie." She whispered I didn't understand why though. We had a healthy breakup and she moved on got a boyfriend who ended being a complete douche bag.

"Where are you living?" I asked still rubbing her back to calm her she slowly steadied her breathing. "With a friend, but she really doesn't want James there."

"You can stay with me. Until you can stay on your own." I smiled she nodded her head still in my shirt. "You can also start tomorrow, working." I mumbled helping her off me and nodded wiping away her tears. "Here's a key to place go get settled I have an extra room." I said her arms wrapped around my neck one last time before she walked out of the room.

I pulled off my shirt and went to grab another.


"I can't thank you enough for this Karlie." Candice said once again I smiled gently picking up James. "He likes you already." She smiled

"He's adorable."

"This is all so sudden I'm sorry again, how are you Karlie? Bella didn't seem happy to see me." She said sitting down on the couch next to me I played with the little boy in my arms. "I've been good I saw Taylor last week I can't stop thinking of her, I miss her so much."

"I saw her too." Candice spoke I turned to her confused she giggled a little. "I saw her performing at a bar she was in Nashville a while back."

"Oh, that's nice." I mumbled giving James back to Candice she nodded following me to the fridge. "You should call her."

"She has a boyfriend. She's different now, not in a bad way I just I don't know, it's like that guy has some kind of hold on her. Forget it though I should get over her." I said grabbing a beer Candice simply nodded and smiled before walking back to her room I walked to mine and tried to get some privacy.


"You miss her!" Selena laughed I shook my head slapping away her arm. "I do not." I groaned Selena grabbed the popcorn bucket and shrugged. "Come on the movies about to start." She said I nodded but turned back "Wait I'm gonna go get a drink." I said she nodded and I walked back to grab an icee.

"Oh my gosh Taylor!" A loud voice yelled I looked up confused my eyes met with a tall blonde and another familiar blonde.

"H..hey!" I smiled my eyes flickering between the gorgeous girl in front of my holding a baby and Karlie. "We we're just talking about you." She smiled Karlie stood with her hands in her jeans like she always does.

"Oh that's always good to hear." I laughed the girl giggled stepping closer to Karlie. Was she Karlie's wife? She looked familiar. No Karlie had a girlfriend so who was this? God she was so pretty I was terribly jealous.

"All good things anyways, well we better get going." The shorter blonde smiled I nodded Karlie hadn't said a word. I continued passed them to get my drink before I felt someone grab my hand.

"I can't do this anymore." Karlie whispered


"I can't keep pretending I don't miss you and you can't keep pretending you do either, I know you feel it please Taylor tell me you do." She said her eyes were dark I had never seen this side of Karlie.

"Karlie I do I miss you but we've grown-

"No please Taylor give me another chance."

"Karlie it's not that easy!" I raised my voice pulling her further away from people she shook her head in disbelief. "You miss me?" She asked I nodded slowly.

"I miss you-

"You have a girlfriend! And from what I've just learned a kid!"

"Oh no Bella? She likes me okay we're not a thing she only did that because she said I looked uncomfortable when you and Joe...and Candice is just a friend she doesn't have anyone or anywhere to stay." She said I nodded processing everything.

"Well I have a boyfriend."

"Joe? Oh fuck Joe! I don't like that stupid Brit." She groaned I smiled softly I missed her angry jealousy.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I have to get back to my movie before Selena thinks someone kidnapped me." I sighed pushing her back Karlie groaned and pulled me back. "You're 20 I'm 22 almost 23 but look Taylor we're young, we have things to lose yes but so much more to gain. Let me take you to dinner?"

"You're not going to take no are you?"

"Correct." She smirked I rolled my eyes and agreed finally walking back to my theater with a cup filled of syrup.

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