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/smut warning/


"So what are you wearing under?" Gigi asked I put the phony on speaker and pulled up my skirt. "A black underwear?" I said confused.

"Black panties okayy." I could tell she was smiling from the other line. "Ew don't say panties." I laughed . "Underwear is such a turn off anyways what about your bra are they matching?"

"Umm no my bra is red."

"Ok red is hot is it like lacy?"

"I don't know it's from Victoria secret so yes its slutty." I said staring at the small bra she laughed a little. "Where is Karlie anyway?"

"She's getting us food I told you this already, back to my huge fucking problem! I don't know what to do I don't know how to give head." I cried

"Look it's fine I'm sure you won't give head this time just a handjob you'll need to see me in person to practice the technique of blowjobs." She said I rolled my eyes a little. "Okay shit she's here." I mumbled taking her off speaker.

"Okay good luck."

"Thanks, love you." I said before pressing hang up I turned off my phone and slipped my crop top back on I walked downstairs where Karlie was putting the chick fil a on the counter.

"You're the best." I smiled taking my fries.

"I know." She threw me a wink and grabbed her fries.

We watched a movie while eating our delicious fast food. It was barely 6 maybe that seemed late but it wasn't my parents get out of work like at 10 and Austin is away for a field trip to somewhere so I have the house to myself.

I can't make the first move.

"You alright?" Karlie asked wrapping her arms around me I nodded kissing her cheek but not letting my lips leave. I think she got the idea and turned her head allowing our lips to meet. The kiss was quickly deepened and she grabbed my body putting me on her lap. She moved her kisses down my neck erupting a small moan from my now plump lips from her sucking on them.

I felt her long fingers slipping up my shirt. "Fuck." I mumbled how was kissing turning me on this much?

"Can I take this off?" She asked I nodded my head a little too quickly she just smiled before pulling off my shirt. "Woah." She said her eyes not leaving my boobs I lifted her head with my hands and brought our lips back together. Her arms now wrapped around my waist to unhook my bra I allowed her soon the thin fabric was gone. I felt so exposed but the room was dark beside the light creeping through the window blinds and the small light coming from the tv.

I let my hands find their way under her hoodie my hands felt her rippled abs, of course she has fucking abs. I pulled off the hoodie with her help and stared at her define body I swear she looked like a model. "We should go to my room." I said she didn't say anything but pulled my arm carrying me bridal style upstairs I giggled hiding my flushed face and trying to get down but she didn't listen and threw me on the bed turning on my side table lamp to see.

I looked down seeing the now noticeable bulge in her
jeans I gulped and grabbed her neck pulling her on top of me. "Someones eager." She wiggled her eyebrows I smiled kissing her longer now.

I felt her hand on my thigh now moving higher until her hand was now on my 'panties'. "You're so wet." She mumbled.

I know I am! God this is so fucking bad. I'm so dumb. What am I even-

"Holy shit." I moaned her finger slipped inside me no warning then another my back lifted from the bed as now three finger moves in and out of me quickly. "Oh my god yes please keep doing that." I cried

"You're so tight I can't wait till I'm inside you." She said her voice husky I held onto her arm it felt so good so bad but good I knew it was coming I was reaching my high her fingers moved faster before they stopped her body rested on mine both our chests moving quickly.

"That was so good." I said in between deep breath's.

"Yea." She said her breath was also heavy I felt bad she made me cum and I haven't done shit. I lifted her up a bit taking off my skirt I new she enjoyed the view of me in just my small black underwear I pulled down her jeans leaving her in boxers.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked she nodded grabbing her jeans and taking one out before she opened I I grabbed it putting it on the side and getting on top of her.

My legs on either side of her she held herself up by her elbows kissing me deeper I pushed her down kissing down her neck making sure to leave marks I brought my lips back to hers but let my hand wander down her abs touching them for a second before slipping my hand in her boxers. "Fuck." She groaned laying down while my hand moved up and down slowly I let go not wanting tease her.

"You can top me another day." She said pushing me off her I didn't have the strength to fight back I also didn't know what I was doing so I let her. She licked down my neck to just above my waist band my chest was rising and falling quickly her lips met the inside of my thighs. Kissing my inner thighs with such care she looked up with that evil grin she knew how bad I wanted this.

She pulled off the black fabric and tossed it aside attaching her lips to my core my back arched Hugh than I thought it could. Her tongue had it ways of making me loose control I'm sure my screams were heard next door after I came another time I was exhausted but she wasn't.

She stood lowering her boxers and grabbing her hardened dick I felt my core cry at the sight of that thing.

I've seen dicks before all thanks to Gigi who forced me to rate her hooks ups I've also seen Kaleb's and it was surprisingly much smaller than he made it seem. Maybe it was just because she was hard but I don't think I can't take that.

"Are you sure?" She asked


"Yes." I whispered she slowly load her body on mine like a shock through my body I felt her inside I winced at the pain I felt entering inside fully she groaned pushing deeper. "You feel so fucking good baby." Her voice was deeper and strained it was hot.

"Holy shit you just..." I couldn't finish my sentence a moan leaving my lips as she slammed into me again and again and again her pace moving faster until she slowed helping me ride out my orgasm. Our bodies were sweat coated she released herself taking off the condom filled with cum and throwing it away.

I laid down next to her that's all I could do it hurt to move my lower half she put on boxers and held me closer we both fell asleep soon after.

edit: so yea that happened just ignore any spelling errors I'll go back and try to fix them ok bye

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