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"I'm sorry about last night." Karlie whispered I stuck my head deeper in her neck. "Tay..." Karlie had been apologizing all morning and I still hadn't said a word. "We have to get up." She spoke softly

"I don't know why I freaked out." I said "It was stupid I know you were just jealous and-

"No no it's my fault too. I should've danced with you and I got mad for no reason we're not even officially together." Karlie said I nodded again taking my hand out of her shirt. "Do you want to be together?" I asked Karlie stayed silent for a while and I felt my heart tighten. "Yes."

"Me too."

"Can we be together? Will this work?" Karlie asked wary. "I hope so." I mumbled kissing her jaw slowly words were never our thing. I needed to show her this was okay. My legs stayed on her I lifted my body to sit on top of Karlie and kissed her slowly. My hips rotated in circles my head flew back at the familiar feel of Karlie. I felt my stomach dig a pit into me.

Karlie had an idea where this was going and thankfully did nothing to stop it. My clothes were soon painting the floor along with Karlie's. I couldn't recall the last time my body felt this longing for someone's touch. She was right in front of me but felt so far. I didn't think of anything but this. Karlie was right to worry of our relationship. I like to cut out reality and pretend everything would be alright but I was terrified really.

Karlie's hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me down on the bed my legs spread and the look on her face was pure lust. No words were said but so many feelings were felt.

I moaned at the feeling of her erection rubbing against my clit. Karlie's hands lifted my waist and I positioned myself to fall into her dick. The feeling was new at least it felt new again. My mouth hung open with loud noises coming out of it and Karlie's head fell back in pleasure as I continued to bounce up and down. "Mhm." I closed my mouth and bit my lip when Karlie's eyes stared right into mine.

"Oh fuck." Karlie groaned her hands kept my hips in place and I felt my body giving out it didn't take long for me to cum. Especially since I'd missed actually cumming for so long. Karlie quickly turned us around it hurt a little but she was quickly back inside me and I felt ok again.

"I'm gonna cum." She whispered I nodded pulling her down to kiss her. Karlie quickly pulled out and I felt her coating my stomach but I didn't mind. Karlie stayed between my legs and we kissed for what felt like forever.

"I missed you so much." She whispered "I want to be with you Karlie. We're not good at this dating thing but I don't want to do it with anyone else but you." I whimpered pulling my hands out of her hair.

"You're never getting rid of me." She purred I smiled a little kissing her cheek.

"We should clean up."


It was honestly useless to clean up because with Karlie and I finally being alone and getting past our sexual block there was no stopping. Every time I got dressed again an hour later my clothes were on the floor. It really did feel like high school again we were sex addicts I couldn't get enough of her and she couldn't either.

Karlie had to leave for work so our sex oasis was quickly put to an end and I missed it already. I couldn't forget the feeling and the stinging in my lower abdomen wouldn't let me.

After I finished some work I closed my laptop and picked up my notebook. I've been writing more and I'm even thinking of finally recording something. A guy in my class told me he knows a lot about producing and would be happy to help me get a song out. I'm really thinking of taking his offer.


"Why are you smiling so much?" Cara smirked I continued to pour her drink and shrugged. "Taylor and I had sex."

"I knew it! How was it?" She smirked "Amazing. Perfect. I don't know however you explain the best sex in the world." I blushed "Yeah you smell like sex." Cara scoffed I rolled my eyes and put up the bottle of beer.

"No more free drinks." I warned she nodded and pulled out a 20. "Thanks." I smiled I poured her another. "It's not just about sex though." I spoke leaning on the bar counter. "What do you mean?" Cara asked "I mean sex you know it's fun but it's not the only thing needed in a relationship." I sighed

"I can't really ask you for advice because you and Selena are just sleeping together." I mumbled Cara smirked a little "Yeah yeah."

"I can still help you y'kno. I've been in a relationship."

"I remember Kendall." I smirked Cara and Kendall are a mess I say are because, I know they'll be back together soon. "You just need to connect with her." Cara said nonchalantly.

"We can't though, Taylor isn't good in relationships she's scared of commitment and I can't care about someone it's hard and two negatives don't make a positive-

"They do." Cara interrupted I sighed. "How do I show her I really care about her?" I asked Cara thought for a second. "She'll know when she knows kloss. I can tell you care about her, not long before she does too." She smiled

The rest of night felt more at ease, Cara's words really calmed me down. I was overthinking all of this and maybe I'd finally calm down.


"So I was thinking we should go on a double date with Selena and Cara." I smiled Taylor laughed a little shaking her head. "What why?" I asked turning to face her. "She's not over her ex." She said quickly before she pecked my lips.

"Oh trust me, neither is Cara." I laughed

"Then I guess we should." Taylor whispered against my lips that connected to her soon after. "Taylor I don't think I can physically cum anymore." I laughed Taylor kissed me one last time before standing up. "Bold of you to assume I wanted to have sex when you Karlie." She smirked I propped myself up with my elbows watching her get something from my drawer.

"We've been having sex all day." I laughed

"Am I that bad?" She frowned I rolled my eyes and pulled her small body onto mine. "I'm already getting hard again and all you did was sit on my lap, you're so fucking beautiful I wanna fuck you everyday." I growled Taylor blushed and hid her face in my neck.

"Just because James is sleeping I'll behave tonight." Taylor smiled. "Daddy likes that." I smirked Taylor let out a loud yell. "Grosss!" She laughed squirming off me I smiled a little kissing her cheek. "We can watch your favorite movie." I smiled she nodded and jumped back on my bed.

Edit: I literally am staring to hate this book so the chapters might suck...sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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