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I pushed her back feeling my heart beating out of my chest. "Karlie!" I whisper yelled.

"Sorry I couldn't resist it." She said. "When am going to be with you alone?" She asked "I don't know. Not when Kaleb is anywhere near us okay no kissing no touching just nothing okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

I smiled a little Kaleb came back right after he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me I snuggled into him like I wasn't just kissing his sister.


"Why are you here Karlie it's like 2 in the morning!" I yelled pulling her inside. "I had to see you." She said I rolled my eyes quietly dragging her upstairs to my room.

"Your room is so girly." She laughed "Yup."

"Can I kiss you?" She asked boldly I was only able to nod her lips met mine like they did 3 other times and I felt the butterflies spinning again she always made them dance. Her hand slowly made it's way around my waist and I wrapped mine around her neck and deepened the kiss with my tongue. I felt the fire she caused in between my legs of my short sleeping shorts. I pushed her off lightly.

"Karlie I'm not ready." I whispered feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I wasn't going to do anything Taylor, I know you're not ready." She whispered kissing my cheek before laying down on my bed.

"What are you planning on staying here on a school night?" I asked in awe she nodded patting the bed for me to lay down.

Even if it's only been weeks of knowing Karlie it felt like we were destined to meet like we had this connection always. This relationship, friendship? I don't know but I know it will be hard but I really think she's someone I could see myself laying down next for forever.

"So what is this?" I asked a little scared. "What do you want it to be?"

"Nothing. I mean..yes I want to you know see you and stuff but it can't be something Kar-

"That's fine Taylor, a few sneak outs and make outs? Hookups? I don't know as long as I get to kiss you. Hold you some nights we don't have to tell anyone we don't even have to say we're together." She said I nodded kissing her before laying on her chest.


It's not what I want. To be her second choice to be her friend with a benefit but I'll take it. I really like her she doesn't have to know that these feelings are much more than hookups.

She fell asleep faster than I thought I felt bad for waking her up so late she was probably tired I ran my fingers though her soft hair it was curly now I think it's adorable but she prefers it straight. I took a shaky breath and wrapped my arms around her waist she snuggled her head into my neck and we both fell asleep.


"Get upppp I have to go to school." I heard Taylor groan pushing me. I opened my eyes slowly stretching my arms around her and pulling her back into bed. She giggled trying to escape my arms but she couldn't so she gave up. "Karlie I have school."

"Skip it." I mumbled

"I can't skip school my parents will kill me now let me gooo." She whined "Come on Taylor a whole day just us alone! It's perfect please stay home." I asked sitting up to face her she rolled her eyes kissing my cheek before jumping off the bed.

"Fine." She said a smile playing on her face. "You should've said this last night I got dressed for nothing and woke up early!" She cried throwing herself on the bed. I laughed a little kissing her neck quickly standing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked 

"I need to pee." I said walking into her bathroom she didn't respond only laid back down. I finished and washed my hands fixing my hair a bit I was just wearing some black jeans and a hoodie.

"So what are you going to do on this fine day?" I asked walking back into her room. "Hmm we could sleep and eat and then maybe kiss a few times and then I'll have to live with the regret of cheating." She said staring at me with hard eyes.

"What about a date?" I asked

"That's not how hookups work." She crossed her arms. "So if these are 'hookups' when will we actually hookup?"

"I...you can't plan it stuff like this doesn't work out with planing in fact I'll be thinking of it all day now and I really wanted to hookup tonight you know." She said "Oh they do work planned I can make it special." I smirked she blushed shaking her head.

"Is the Karlie kloss trying to get into my pants?"

"When am I not?"

"True. Okay let's go get breakfast I'm hungry." She pulled me downstairs we got in my car which went surprisingly unnoticed by her parents.

"To start off this fantastic day we're getting junk food for breakfast." Taylor grinned "Okay." I smiled closing her door and walking to the other side getting in the drivers seat. A day with Taylor alone just us nothing else, sounds more perfect.

Edit uh lol hey idk y people are reading this it's so bad and only going to get worse Bc I feel it's so rushed but yea Anyways the next chapter will most likely contain smut if you don't want to read my terribly written attempt at smut just skip it :))) bye

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