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"Don't jeans seem to casual?" Karlie asked staring at herself in the mirror. "No babe they look good." I said kissing her cheek and walking to finish fixing my makeup.

Dinner was in about an hour we were already dressed and now it was time for Karlie to be nervous I always find it cute when she's nervous. I'm still nervous as hell but Austin is bringing his boyfriend so thankfully the attention won't be entirely on us.

I was wearing a small pink dress with some flowers on it. Karlie was wearing some black jeans and a tucked in band shirt with her leather jacket, she looked so sexy. It was going to be hard keeping my hands to myself tonight.

"Ready?" I asked Karlie gave me and unsure look I smiled packing her lips quickly and interlocking our finger as we walked outside it was a little chilly so I slipped the thin white cardigan on when we got in Karlie's car.


"It's so nice to finally meet you karlie!" My mom smiled pulling her into a hug I smiled watching the cute interaction my dad just smiled he was always hard to let me go and he didn't really like Kaleb said he was a 'bad boy' I can just imagine what he thinks of Karlie and her leather jacket tattoos.

We sat down at the table Karlie next to me my mom in front of me I cringed a little seeing my dad sit in front of Karlie.

"So you're turning 20 I hear?" My dad smiled

"Yes yea I am turning 20 as of today." Karlie said mixing her words a little, aw she's probably so nervous.

"Dating a 17 year old huh?" He laughed

Oh gosh.

"Well I'm turning 18 in a few months." I added Karlie just nodded. When the fuck is Austin getting here????

"Hey guys!"


"Hey Austin." I smiled we stood up and exchanged hugs with his boyfriend too.

"This is Josh, well it's nothing new and happy birthday Karlie!" He said handing her a gift she smiled hugging him after taking it. "Thank you."

"So Karlie I heard you were in a band?" My mom asked "Oh yea I was but we went on a break for awhile I haven't been working with my band too much lately I picked up a job around here." She said

"Oh that's nice." She smiled

The conversations slowly drifted from Karlie and I to Austin and Josh but I could tell Karlie was nervous or maybe uncomfortable I felt bad.

"This was nice tay we should do it again." My mom smiled hugging me I smiled hugging her back I thought it was ironic I was having dinner with my parents who I still literally live with.

"Bring her back tomorrow." My dad winked Karlie smiled waving goodbye.

"They hate me." Karlie let out a breath as we got into her car.

"Babe they don't trust me my dad is always like that I know he can't help it I'm sorry you looked so nervous I felt so bad babe but trust me they don't hate you my dad is just intimidating." I said grabbing her hand.

"That was a lot but It was nice." She said smiling a little I nodded leaning over to kiss her.


"Okay babe don't hate me your gift it's so dumb." I said she smiled raising an eyebrow.

We were in Karlie's room and I brought a cat. My cat she doesn't know I adopted one yet since I did only two days ago but I did she doesn't even like cats I did it for me.

"I won't make fun of it show me." She said I giggled waking to her closet I opened the door and held the small cat in my arms.

"Thats adorable omg." She said standing up to hold it, it looked tiny in her arms I smiled.

"That's not your gift babe."

"What? You can't take away my baby cat now." She said holding her in a protective manner.

"No it's ours look it's dumb I bought her this collar and it has our names it says we're her parents." I said she laughed a little putting the small furry ball on her bed she walked over wrapping her arms around me I smiled hugging her back she kissed my lips. "That's adorable Taylor you're adorable I love it! Our little cat what's her name Karlie junior?" Karlie wiggled her eyebrows.

"No. I was thinking Olivia you know from law and order?"

"Dibbles I love it!"

I rolled my eyes putting the collar on and laying her in between us.

"I love you Taylor."

"I..I love you too Karlie."

Edit: omg lol sappy Karlie also don't mind the spelling mistakes I haven't looked over it :)) byeee

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