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"You smoke now?" I heard a voice startling me I turned around facing taylor. "Yea." I mumbled turning back around before throwing it on the ground and putting the smoke out.

"That's not good for you." She said

"A lot of things aren't good for me." I walked beside her she pulled my arm. "What's wrong with you?" She asked eyes squinted confused brows.

"Nothing taylor, I have to go." I said I didn't say much and she didn't either I left her house. I saw her blue confused eyes I felt a pit of guilt inside me but it went away quick enough as I drove out of her street.

I drove to my house changing before I left driving to Gigi's house.

"Hey sexy." She smiled I smiled back hugging her and laying down on the couch. "You left for Taylor last night?" She asked jealousy in her voice.


"Did you two?"

"No. We didn't do anything I just dropped her off." I said a believable lie. "K." She said sitting a fair amount away from me I sighed scooting closet to her and kissing her cheek.

"We didn't do anything I promise." She turned to me I kissed her again.

"I know." She whispered her lips on mine "What time do you leave for work?" She asked standing up I watched her body as she walked in and out of another room. "Stop staring at my ass." I turned my eyes to my shoes.

"Sorry. I don't know I think work starts at 9." I said standing up to wrap my arms around her waist she turned in my arms kissing me again. I slipped my tongue in her mouth she moaned I lifted her on the counter.

Her hands slipped under my shirt pulling it off. I stared into her eyes only seeing Taylor's. That happened a lot when we'd hook up I'd just pretended she was Taylor.


"Are you going to the fair this weekend?" Abi asked I spun the spaghetti around my fork shrugging. "What's up you're acting weird." She said

"I'm just tired I stayed up doing a lot of work last night."

"Ok, so are you going?" Her voice sounded like it was getting farther as my thoughts grew louder.


"Hmm?" My eyes slowly lifted meeting her's. "Are you that tired?" "Yea."

I wasn't tired I was confused. And regretting sleeping with Karlie. It was stupid we shouldn't have done that.

I want to break up with Kaleb he's getting so possessive and he drinks a lot now too. Karlie is different it hurt when she left in the morning and what the things she said.

I know things aren't going to be how they used to with Karlie ever, what happened changed us but I wish it could've in a good way. I'm dumb for thinking it would help us throw stronger.

Gigi and I aren't as close anymore either the only time we see each other is when we're all hanging out in a group. Abigail says she's a bad influence always getting high and drunk. It's true but I do miss her the old her when she was there for me when I could spend hours with her and not get hurt by every little thing she said. She treats me like shit now and each time we're alone she'll tell me how dumb I was for cheating on Kaleb with Karlie. I think she's just jealous that Karlie always favorited me and still does.

I know Gigi has something for her but Karlie's not like that she wouldn't do anything with her.

I closed my eyes for a second trying to forget those thoughts.

Edit: lol short chapter sry also this story is getting kinda f up huh?

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