Chapter 12

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Neymar's POV

"Yeah... I can tell you the exact same thing.." i don't know why I was sorta pissed off he knew Erica

Oh wait I do know

"Mi amor" ugh just hearing him call her that irritates me

"You guys know each other?" Erica asked barely audible. She seemed kind of tense and extra shy than usual, which was weird.

Was it because Marc is here?

Does she have feelings for him?

Are they dating?

Why didn't I know this?

"Ney" I heard her call me

"Yes meu amour" I said on purpose to sorta piss off Marc since I can say it in another language ;)

But his reaction was emotionless, I didn't see any sign of anger on his face.

"You seemed kind of thinkative, want to talk about it?" She asked curious, while raising an eyebrow and slightly tilting her head.

Gosh she's beautiful

"Umm yeah I actually would like to know how you and Marc know each other" I asked very intrigued in knowing how they actually met

"We just met here in Barcelona, not much too it" she said very bluntly.

"So the way you guys met isn't as interesting as to how we met meu amour?" I said chuckling at the thought of how we met just about two months go.

"Are you guys related?" Marc asked in an all serious tone

"No" I said probably too fast and to blunt

"Oh umm no we're just great friend, I met him a little after I met you" she said oh so sweetly

"I just thought you guys were related and or dating soooo .." I know he just wants to know wether I have an interest towards her or not

"Not at the moment no" I said with a smirk and a wink mainly for Erica but to Marc as well

"Oh.." he said and went on his phone

Erica has been blushing for past 5 minutes, while Marc has been on his phone for the past five minutes.

"I'm leaving I have somewhere important I have to be." Marc said rather cold, he didn't even said goodbye

Erica's POV

Marc left without saying a simple goodbye

He just kinda left

But that was the least of my worries


Because Ney actually said we aren't dating AT THE MOMENT !!!

What's that supposed to mean???

Does he like me??

Do I like him???

Was he just joking!!

I don't know.

But I know I sure as hell hope he isn't kidding.... wait what.

Hey guys! Please comment! I will try to update once a week from now on I promise! Sorry for the crappy chapter I wrote it during school hours lol please give me feedback! What do you guys think about Erica and Ney? Or even Marc! Who should she be with?

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