Chapter 13

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Erica's POV

Ever since I got out the hospital, like two weeksago, Neymar won't stop treating me like a baby

I'm completely fine

Just need to take pain killers every once in a while for my migraines

I mean at first I thought it was adorable

But now it's just irritating, it's still adorable tho

I can't be in the restroom for 5 minutes without him almost knocking over my door asking if I'm okay

Right now he's gone

Which I'm so thankful he has practice

I'm not taking his caring persona for granted truly I'm not

But I need some space

I can't breathe and not smell his cologne or breathe

Like I said, I didn't mind at first

But I would just love some me time

What exactly is me time?

Well exactly what I'm doing right now actually

Laying on my couch

Eating a huge bag of chips

Candy on the table

Watching youtube videos on my laptop

My hairs in a messy bun

I'm wearing a white tee

And some very comfy sweats

Let me tell you, this is absolute heaven to me

I'm taking advantage of this time because in about an hour Neymar will barge in here and ask if I'm okay

Unlike Marc ...

Who I have not seen since he left my hospital room that one day

He texted me the other day asking if I'm okay, once I said I was he just read it and didn't even bother to reply

He's given me the cold shoulder

But I don't see why

I haven't done anything wrong

But whatever he'll come around

I hope

But I really need to get out this house

So I'll go shopping

I got a job at a cafe a few days after I got out the hospital

So might as well use my check on clothes

So I grabbed a cardigan and headed for the door

But of course I left Neymar a note before I left

I don't want him to worry

So this was just a filler chapter to catch up on Erica's life at the moment. So I have Good New and Bad News
Good News: they're will be a celebrity guest appearance in the next chapter! Which will have an impact on Erica's life
Bad News: i don't know when is the next time I can update I will try to update soon tho!
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