Chapter 16

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Neymar's POV

I got home from practice & I see a girl standing their

I assume it's a fan

But she looked frustrated

She kept knocking and screaming words in English

The only thing I understood was my beautiful Erica's name

So I went over to her and I might have startled her

She looked at me for the longest

I kept asking her why she is here looking for my Erica

She seemed so out of it

Was she on drugs?

She then smiled at me

She gave me the most flirtatious smile I have ever seen

She caressed my shoulder & asked me if I was seeing anyone

I stayed quite

Thinking on wether or not me & Erica are together

I mean I've been meaning to ask her officially

But I've never been good with rejection

She then said "what are you to Erica"

I was about to speak but she put her finger over my mouth and said "shh it doesn't matter, she's not home, let's go inside"

It's like I was hypnotized

I've been wanting sex

But I never like to pressure Erica

I'm used to just sleeping with a girl whenever i want

I mean cmon I'm Neymar Jr.

Not to be cocky

I smirked to myself

As soon as I opened the door she lunged herself on me

Automatically taking our clothes off and making our way upstairs

****** not writing smut unless it's with Erica so skip the sex scene and have your imagination take over ********

I went downstairs to get some water

But I saw Erica's door closed

Then I went downstairs to see if her car was here

Puta madre

My mother raised me better then to say such vulgar words

But I screwed up


Why tonight?

Tonight was supposed to be special

I was going to ask Erica to the Ballon D'oro ceremony

I went to her room slipping steps on the stairs

I just needed to talk to her and make sure she didn't hear anything

She kept ignoring me

She's probably asleep

Then I hears her music play

Great she knows

No this can't be happening

I can't believe I let my hormones get the best of me

I went furious into my bedroom and shook this mystery girl awake

She looked so startled

"Stop it Neymar we can go round 2 if you're that eager" she smirked at me while holding onto my neck

I threw her hands off

I was furious

"What the hell are you to my Erica!"

I screamed infuriated at the fact that my Erica can be in their crying

"Your Erica? What?" She asked hurt and confused

"Not officially, but she's mine and only mine no matter what" I said confidently

"Well I'm her best friend, I surprised her by coming early" she said smiling

"GET OUT!" I screamed infuriated I can't even take it

I can't believe u slept with my Erica's best friend

***** YAY UPDATE!!! So this is Neymars POV of what happened, wow can you believe he slept with her best friend? I'll update again soon guys! "*****

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