Chapter 23

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Erica's POV

i pull up to my new house and admire how far i have came

not too long ago i came on vacation

and ended up living here

its amazing how life works

the man i met at the airport ended up meaning so much more than a stranger

I grab my purse and get out the car

its dark out

considering its like 9pm

i walk in to my house

look at myself in my huge mirror in my living room near my stairs

I have my hair up in a professional bun, wearing a simple gray dress with tights and black Louis Vuitton heels

I look around my house

Not to my surprise its empty

I walk up the stairs towards bedroom

my jaw drops as soon as I open the door

im just standing their absolutely shocked with what im seeing

candles everywhere

rose pedal everywhere

and in the corner I see Marc

wearing a black button up that fits his body so well

smiling at me

he walks towards me holding a box

in that moment I knew what was about to happen

I knew my life was about to change

"what do you think?" he asks referring to my decorated room

"it's..... it's.... omg breathtaking " I finally manage to say

"im glad you like it" he says with such a genuine smile

he opens the box

its a necklace

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding

He stares at me for a while

"Erica, you're such an amazing girl, everything about you drives me insane"

He's going on about how much he cares about me

This man, is really saying all these amazing things, and their about me

"Erica, will you do me the honor and be my official girlfriend?"

When those words leave his mouth I leave my thoughts and look at him

I hold the necklace

I run my fingers through the engravings

it reads

"wet met because the universe wanted us to"

He's talking about the day we met

At the airport

"Marc, I ...."

I don't know what to say

Do I want to be with him?

Would Neymar be upset?


Why am I thinking about him when Marc is here asking me in the most amazing way possible to be his girlfriend

I won't let Neymar ruin this for me

Without hesitation or second thinking I said


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