Chapter 2

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Erica's POV

This is going to be such a long trip.

Thank god I brought my portable charger and earphones,

these will be my life savers for the ride.

I was listening to Really Don't Care by Demi Lovato

when someone taps my shoulder.

Marc's POV

"Excuse me can I borrow your...."

I can't believe it it's her!

Es Ella!

I was so caught up in my thoughts and her mesmerizing beauty I didn't even finish asking for her charger.

"My what?"

I wonder if she recognizes me from earlier.

"Your portable charger señorita"

I smirked at the last part.

She blushed and handed me her charger.

I took the seat right next to her

"Will you be sleeping during the entire flight sleeping beauty?"

I found her sarcasm so attractive.

"Ah I see you remember me"

"Well it's not everyday you see a helpless guy sleeping while his flight is about to take off"

she chucked at her own words

which if I do say so myself was very adorable.

"Well in my defense it's not every day a beautiful girl wakes me up"

She's blushing like crazy,

I should feel bad

but I love it.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

Is that even a question?

"Yes of course I do"

I gave her a smile

and she put her head down

and I'm assuming blushed.

It's all she seems to do.

Erica's POV

I can't believe he's doing this to me.

I can't explain what I'm feeling.

All I know is everything that comes out of his mouth makes me blush like crazy.


Two hours in the flight

and we have been laughing like we have known each other forever.

I don't know the last time a guy has made me laugh

or feel this way, not after what happened with Jaime....

Marc's POV

"Haha yeah Messi was so upset I turned his brand new white Calvin Klein boxers pink"

I was laughing at the story I was telling her

when she randomly turned towards the window.

Through the glass reflection I saw tears dripping down her cheeks.

"Estas bien?"

she turned towards me

"Yeah just bad memories I'm fine."

"No you're not because you're still crying, Una señorita tan linda no merese tener lagrimas"

it's true she's too beautiful and kind to be hurting.

"Thank you Marc, but I'm fine it's just bad memories I'm okay now"

She managed to give me a smile through her sniffles.


She stopped talking to me after what happened earlier.

I wonder what those memories were about.

I am determined to find out,

no matter the cost.

while she went to the lady's room I grabbed her phone and went through her contacts until I reached her own phone number to save it onto mine.

Authors note

So what do you think? Do you think she'll call? Don't worry Neymar will come in the story soon! Two votes for chapter three :D comment it means so much! love y'all 😋

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