Chapter 7

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Erica POV

"Erica! hey.. Umm these are for you" he handed me the beautiful flowers. he looked really nervous, he starred at the ground and scratched the back of his neck.

"They're beautiful thank you, would you like to come in?" i opened my hotel door and he came in after me.

"the guy who was with you? who was he?" He looked really curious as to who it was. I didnt even know what to tell him. I didnt want to hurt his feelings by saying 'oh yeah thats some guys whos son i found and i think i may be crushing on him'
WAIT hold up did i just admit to having a crush on Neymar?! Well regardless i didnt mean it... i hope I didn't
"Oh um he's just a friend I've made here"
"Oh I'm glad you're making friends"
"Thanks and umm if you don't mind me asking.. What in the heck are you doing here?"
"Haha well I'm here for The Classico"
"You're going to watch it too!" I said a little too excited.
"Yeah I guess you can say that" he smirked.
"What do you mean?" I was curious of course.
"Well what I mean is that.." my phone went off in the middle of our conversation. I read the caller ID and it was my boss.
"I'm so sorry I have to take this."


"Erica sweety how's your trip?" She's so sweet I swear se can be like my grandmother sometimes it's quite funny.

"It's great Helen, may I know why you called?"

"Oh yes well ...... have you opened the yellow envelope or packet thing?"

"Oh no I totally forgot about it why?

"Oh my gosh I'll just tell you than" she seemed pretty anxious which was weird.

"Okay go on" I wanted to know what was inside I just had forgotten about it.

"Well Playboy Magazine wants you to do a shoot for them."

"Playboy? aren't they all like you know naked?"

"Well yes, it'll be a lot of money and publicity for you and you know you've wanted to do something big for your career and...." I had to interrupt her otherwise she'll blab on forever.

"I don't know, it's a great opportunity but I'm not sure I want to do the whole nude thing"

"We can talk about this some to her time I'll let you think about it okay goodnight sweety" And with that she hung up.

"Erica I have to get going I'll talk to you soon Hermosa" he kissed me on the cheek and walked out. Wow he's so adorable. Now to put these flowers in a vase and call Neymar to see how he's doing.

Neymar's POV

I've been in my room punching the wall for who knows how long. my room is completely destroyed theirs broken glass everywhere, my bed is a mess, and well I'm a mess. Why would she do this to me? She could have told me she was seeing someone else. I feel so used and to think I started I actually like her!
*Phone Rings*
Great who could be calling




"Yeah... can we talk please?" I really don't want to but I want to hear her out their has to be a reason as to why that guy was their he was probably family for all I know.

"Yeah we can go out for breakfast tomorrow does 9 o'clock sound good?"

"It sounds perfect thank you I'll see you tomorrow Ney goodnight"

"Boi Noite"

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