Chapter 26

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Erica's POV

As the taxi pulls up to the once oh so familiar stadium I can't help but feel nervous

I pay the taxi and take my bags out

I have quite a few bags so their quite heavy for me

Someone must have noticed as I feel someone take the bag from my hands and set it on the floor

As I turn to thank this stranger

I notice it's anything but a stranger

It's him.

Neymar's POV

Great I'm late for training


Pretty sure coach is tired of telling me constantly to show up on time

I pull up to the stadium and park my car

As I'm getting closer to the entrance I see a girl struggling to take her bags out of a taxi

Common courtesy I step in to help her with her bags

When I set them down I look up to see if she needed any more help

I recognized those beautiful brown eyes instantly

Her absolutely perfectly sculpted plump lips


Oh how I've missed her voice


It's been too long

"Neymar!" She says even louder

"Oh I'm sorry ... I was just.... I ... I'm sorry" I manage to say

"It's okay....." She looks awkwardly at me than away from me

"Well .. um.... Thank you but I really should get going I'm late" she says nervously

"It's no problem, I'll walk in with you, we are heading the same place anyways I assume" I smile pointing to the entrance of the stadium

She looks at the stadium then back at me and back at the stadium until she finally says

"Oh um yeah that's fine" she gives me a tight smile and nervous eyes

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