Chapter 15

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Erica's POV

As I left Marc & his soon to be wife
My phone rang

"Hello" I said without bothering to check the collar ID

"Erica I'm really sorry I have a meeting and I can't miss it, but I need a date for the Ballon D'Oro ceremony, will you do me the honor by accompanying me?"

He said with such hope

I couldn't just tell him no

After all I am the one who wanted to see him

"Yes, of course I'll go with you Sergio" I said happily

"You won't regret it erica, I'm just so glad I got to ask you before you got another date" he said relieved

I chuckled

"Don't worry, I'm your date"

I said slightly blushing I will be going with him

"I'll talk to you later so we can coordinate colors or something" he said very happily

"Okay take care"

"You too Erica, you too"

I can only imagine the smile he has

Now to think about it I forgot about the ceremony being so close

It's next weekend

Neymar hadn't brought it up

I really thought he would ask me

But oh well

I'm pretty sure Marc is taking his fiancé

Ugh to think I was leaving him tons of voicemails and text messages

God I probably seemed desperate

All I wanted was to talk to him

He probably thinks I'm in love with him

I went towards the parking lot to drive home

Earlier then expected

As I walk into Neymar's house the door was opened slightly

Which is odd

He never leaves the door open

It's like his OCD

I park my car in its usual spot

Next to Neymar's

I walk in to find his pants on the floor

Okay that's weird

Then I see a women's shirt on the couch

Then a bra on the stairs

I'm not stupid

I know what's going on here

I make my way upstairs

I can hear them

I went into my room

That I never sleep in

I always sleep with Neymar

Not sex

Just sleep

The only reason I have my own room is too keep my stuff

Also because me & Neymar aren't even dating

So why does it hurt that he's with someone else?

I slam the door to my room

My vision becoming a blur

I slide down my door

Crying hysterically

But not making a sound

I don't want to risk them hearing me

I don't want him to know how much this hurts

To think I actually really like him

I'm an idiot

Why do I have to see things until they're gone

Until he's no longer mine


He was never officially mine

That hurts


I hear knocking on my door

"Erica? Princesa? Are you asleep?"

He probably doesn't have a clue I heard & know everything

I chose to ignore him

To let him think I'm asleep

But I know he knows something is wrong

Like I said I never sleep in my room

"I see your car outside, how long have you been here?" He asked with concern


I know he's still their

"Long enough." I say sternly

I don't want him to know

I can't let him know

"Erica ... please let me in.."


"Come sleep with me princesa"

Wow what balls does he have to actually ask me to sleep with him?

In the same bed he f*cked a random chick?!

I locked the door

Ignored him

He kept knocking on my door calling my name

I couldn't hold my tears back

I put music on blast

I don't want to hear him

I don't want to see him

I cried myself to sleep

I don't want to wake up tomorrow and face him

I knew moving in with him was a bad idea

I should have stayed in my little apartment


Sorry for the horrible chapter
I wrote it during my graduation rehearsal
I will most likely go back and edit this chapter to go more into detail
But for now it is what it is
Neymar SLEPT with another girl!
She's going to the Ballon D'Oro ceremony with a Real Madrid player WHAT!

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