Chapter 4

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Erica's POV

I opened the door

and saw the cutest person ever!

He was a little blonde boy,

his cheeks were stained with tears

he's been crying

. "are you okay little guy?" I told him.

"papai" that's all he said.

his voice full of innocence and sadness

he clearly doesn't speak English

it's Portuguese, which is similar to Spanish. right?

"perdistes a tu papa?" i asked

"si.." than he started to cry and cry.

"awww yo te alludo" so that's what I did

I helped him look for his dad.

which was very difficult

we went to almost every floor and the lobby and the parking lot and no sign of this cute boys dad.

we went back into my room and I decided to call the lobby and have them be aware of the situation.

While we waited for someone to call us claiming they lost their son we ate ice cream and watched Cars.

"I like movie"

"awww you do speak English! yes!"

he looked at me confused and repeated why he said earlier "I like movie"

"haha I like movie too davi"

than someone came knocking at my door really hard.

Davi got scared but I told him to wait on the couch while I went to go check who was at my door.

"por dios stop banging on the door!"

I opened the door to see a very stressed out,




kind of tall,


guy at my door.

"Uh hey? sorry for banging on your door I'm just really worried,

have you seen my son?"

he was scratching the back of his neck

and looked really inpatient.

"um yeah come right in" he walked infront of me towards the living room area

and in seconds the little boy ran to this attractive stranger, who seems to be the dad?

"He's your son?"

"uh yeah... thank you so much for watching him."

"It was no problem he's adorable!"

"Well may I know your name?" He smirked, he seemed so confident and umm what's the word I'm looking for? oh yeah cocky.

"Why do you need to know my name?"

"Well you found my son, theirs a reward for what you did." he smirked at me.

"He's not a dog their is no reward for finding him" I spat at him.

"well I'm sorry my name is Neymar" oh my gosh this sexy guy is Neymar Jr he has to be!

"As in world famous soccer player?!"

"Haha yes, so how about you let me take you out after you tell me your name beautiful?"

Do you guys think she'll accept his offer?? comment and let me now! omg I have over 100 reads how amazing are you guys!!

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