Chapter 20

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****double update! To make up for the times I couldn't :( so sorry guys for the wait but hope these chapters make up for it!****

Erica's POV

i decided to go for a smokey eye and a nude lip color for my make up

some waves for my hair

and a mid thigh egg shell color dress with some heels

as i looked in the mirror i actually liked my look

time to go have some fun

i grabbed my purse and keys, i texted Sergio on my way down the elevator to tell him im on my way

we had agreed to meet each other at the club

i got into my 2013 black camaro and drove to the club

as soon as i got to the club the valet took my car

when i got to the club i spotted my "best friend"

which means shes with Neymar

i looked around for him but i didn't see him

Steph sees me and walks up to me

"Hey girl, how you been?" she says clearly drunk by the way she walked towards me

"ive been good, who are you here with?" i ask knowing the answer

"no one, i came because everyone is here for the ceremony and i thought it would be fun, which i may add is" she giggles and swallows her entire drink

so if she isn't here with anybody that means neymar hasn't asked her

i somehow feel more relaxed

i decide to get some shots and drinks

before i know it im drunk as hell in the middle of the dance floor

grinding on some random hot guy

well maybe its the alcohol seeing him but i decided to live in the moment

as i walk to the bar to get some water i trip

but i got caught but a certain beautiful Brazilian

none other then Neymar

it felt like hours staring into each others eyes

both shocked as to seeing each other

"estas bien?" he asks kind of nervous

i can tell because he has the habit of scratching the back of his neck

"yeah but you don't care so go ask someone you actually care for like steph" i say trying to walk away without falling over

he grabs my hand and pulls me close to his chest

i can smell his cologne

the cologne i was once very familiar with

now its do foreign to me

he pulled my chin so i can look him in the eyes

"i didn't come here with anybody, let alone her" he says

"oh so you only sleep with her?" i say disgusted and tears threatening to spill

"Erica she seduced me, im a man i couldn't help it" he says trying to explain himself

"Men are disgusting" and with that i walk away

i run into Sergio

he grabs me and looks at me

"Erica you can't drive home like this, let me call you a cab?" he says concerned

"No im im im fiiiiiiiine, i can do things onnnn my owwwwn" i say slurring every word

then i see her, i see Pilar

The way Sergio looks at me i know hes sorry

hes probably going to be taking her to the ceremony

"Erica i.." he says fumbling

"its okay its okayyy i understand shes the mooother of youuur kiiidd its okaaaayyy"

he kisses my forehead and hugs me

he asks me why i look so upset

as i was about to explain Neymar walks out the club calling my name

Sergio then catches on

Neymar looks at Sergio with hatred and jealousy?

but his eyes soften when he sees Pilar at his side

As he was about to speak Steph comes out

"Babe lets goo already you still have to make it up to me for last time" she says with the ugliest flirty smile

as her and Neymar are talking i turn to Sergio so i wont feel as disgusted and hurt

but hes on the phone and Pilar is eavesdropping

so im just standing their listening to Neymar reject Steph

which catches my attention but she keeps insisting

then they scoot further so i cant hear what they're saying

but then i see him kiss her

that's all it took to push my tears out

that's all it took to break my heart into a bunch of pieces

to remember that night he had with her

to remember all the amazing memories i had with him

i cup my face and let the tears spill

i feel someone grab my hand

i look up

to see the blue eyes i love so much


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