Chapter 3

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Erica's POV

Finally I arrived to my hotel.

I checked in and unpacked my clothes

than showered to go meet up with my travel agent at a local coffee shop.

I decided to wear something simple but cute.

I decided on a black and white tribal print crop top and white flow shorts.

*At the coffee shop*

"Hello Erica, how was your flight"

"It was interesting haha I met a very cute guy on the plane"

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Marc,

I wish I could see him again.

He made me feel amazing,

like the butterfly feeling but 10x better!

"See what happens when you leave your comfort area? You meet cute boys!"

"Anyways, what was it that we needed to discuss?"

"Oh yes you see I know you came on vacation but your manager wanted me to give you this"

When she said manager I automatically thought I would have to fly back to LA and do a photo shoot.

Did i mention I was a model? Well I am, it gets the bills paid so yeah

She handed me a yellow envelope

which was weird,

well to me,

I've never received one.

I didn't know if I was supposed to open it now or at my hotel.

I was about to ask my travel agent but by the time I looked up she had walked out the door.


I decided to take a cab back to the hotel.

I went into the cab,

once I went into my room I went to get my phone out of my bag and a note fell out.

Can this day get any weirder?

I read the note and giggled like a little girl!

It was from Marc!

when did he put it in my bag?

hmmm I'll have to ask him, but when?

oh gosh!

Should I call him?

or keep him waiting?

hmm I'll keep him waiting a little bit longer.

I was about to call my manager when I heard a knock at my door.

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