Chapter 19

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Erica's POV

as i was explaining my photo shoot plans to Sergio i felt really bad for not telling Neymar

or Marc for that matter

as we drove to the airport i waited for Sergio in the lobby while he went to luggage and check in for us

my phone started to ring

i checked the caller ID

it was an unknown number

"hello?" i ask

"Erica?" i hear the oh so familiar voice

"Marc... how are you? is everything okay?"

"No, its not okay, i was a fool to have cut my connection with you over a girl who only wants my money who lied to me to keep me" he said sounding so desperate and upset

"Marc, its okay you're going to be a father and its.." he cut me off

"that's the thing Erica, she lied to me, shes not pregnant, this whole time i had an illusion of being a father and it was all a lie" he said

"we can meet up and talk if you'd like?" i ask genouinly feeling sorry he had his hopes up to be a father

"that sounds great, i really need someone to talk too, will you be attending the ballon d'oro ceremony?"

"yeah, i will actually....... with Sergio...." i say very unsure of his reaction

"Ramos?" he says sternly

"yes, but i will see you at the ceremony right?" i say as i see Sergio walking towards me

"yeah ill be their" he says

"till then, i have to go take care Marc" i say as i hang up after he says his good bye

Sergio gives me a who was that look

i don't necessarily want to tell him

i mean its his teammate

"oh that was just my manager telling me the details to my photo shoot" i lied

"So your managers name is Marc?" he says with a smirk knowing he caught me in my lie

"no, i just i don't know i thought it would be weird since like you.." i say struggling for words

he laughs

"its okay Erica, its okay to like him, i honestly thought you and Neymar had something but hey what do i know"

"well its complicated honestly" i say truthfully

"i understand, Pilar and i only see each other for the baby, but im not going to lie i still feel something for her but its complicated" he tells me making me comfortable about talking about this with him

the plane ride was nice, we talked about a bunch of things

he told me about Marc and about Neymar the few times he's met him

I told him about how i felt about Neymar taking my supposedly best friend

He gave me advice then told me I needed to relax more

he offered to go to the club tonight

so that is what i am doing at the moment

getting ready for tonight

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