Chapter 21

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Erica's POV


It's him

"Erica porque has estado llorando? Are you okay"

At this moment

Time froze

All I can think about was him

Being their for me

Worrying about me

All a girl wants is to be loved

Cared for

Thought of

This is exactly what he is doing

Before I know it he pulls me into a hug

I cry on his chest

I feel everything in slow motion

I look around to still see Neymar kissing Steph

Then theirs Sergio happily coming towards us

He was talking to Marc

Then he waves goodbye

I look up at Marc and he gives me the most beautiful smile

The one where his eyes get a little smaller and his teeth are perfectly visible

In this moment I knew I wanted to kiss him so bad

So I did

I leaned forward and so did he

Right when I felt his breath

He fell to the floor

It took me a while to understand what was happening

Neymar was on top of Marc

Neymar's POV

I walk out the club to look for Erica

As soon as I saw her beautiful face I notice she had tears

Did I cause those?

I didn't even get the chance to speak to her because I heard Stephanie calling my name

I turn around to reject her but she wouldn't get the memo

I hated the way she called me "babe"

"Steph I don't want to be with you why can't you understand that" I said annoyed

"Because I don't get it, we had such a great time I can give you more nights like that one" she said pleadingly and sexually

"No Steph" I said rather bothered

Then I look over to see Erica who was by herself

It made me want to go over their hug her and kiss her

"Okay I'll leave you alone on one condition" she said

I pull her to the side because I don't want anyone listening

Especially Erica

The last thing I want to do is hurt her

"Kiss me one more time, if you don't feel anything I'll leave you alone"

"No I'm not kissing you Steph you're crazy"

"Crazy for you, cmon just one kiss"

I grab her and kiss her

The taste of alcohol clearly in her system

I'm disgusted by it

I try to pull away but she wraps her hands around my head

When I pull away I look at Erica

With Marc

God knows what's about to happen

I won't let him kiss her

All my anger builds up just looking at them

Who does he think he is?

I felt my heart break at the fact that

she's letting this happen

I run and punch Marc

Once he's on the floor i can't stop hitting him

How dare he kiss her

Everyone knows how much I love her


Do I?

I was caught in my thoughts when I felt punch to the face

Then someone pulls Marc away

I look up to see Erica caring for mark and scolding me

In this moment I knew

She was over me

She hated me

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