Chapter 9

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Neymar's POV

I woke up with a huge headache

I took in my surroundings and realized I was in a hospital

Their was wires connected to my stomach, arms and head. Their was some water bag over my head

I had tons of balloons and stuffed animals in one corner, I'm assuming their from my fans. it's great to know they care so much

Wait hold up... why am I here?

Why does this headache hurt like a bitch??

I held my head in my hands, I felt like a bunch of birds were picking at my skull! I'm starting to freak what the hell!

A nurse came in I wanted to talk but I couldn't she injected some liquid into one of the tubes and within seconds I blacked out ..


.I woke up perfectly fine their was nothing connected to me I'm assuming I must be ready to leave this place

Just as I said that Rafaella my sister comes in

She put a smile on my face, she's the best

"Ney how you feeling?"
"I'm doing good I don't have a headache or anything I feel fine"
"Well you don't look fine brother" she laughed, she always laughs when I'm in some sort of non severe pain
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Brother you have cuts all over"
"Well their small you can't even tell"
"Yeah cause you're dark hahahaha"
"Be quite you're going to cause me headache"
"Whatever you love me" she leans in to hug me and we had a nice moment
"i came to tell you good news & bad news.."
"Rafa tell me the good news first"
"Okay well you can leave the hospital now it's been 4 days since the accident you didn't have anything too serious just minimal cuts and scraped here and their"
"Great that's awesome I can't wait to go see Davi and hang out with Erica"

I can't believe I haven't thought of her I hope she's okay I'm pretty sure she is she's strong. I don't know what id do if she was hurt.. not that I uh like her but umm I care for my friends.

"About Erica brother...."
"No, she's okay right? Nothing's wrong right? You're going to tell me good news again right Rafa!!?"
"She's been in a coma since the accident... the doctors don't think she'll make it..."
"How can that be??! The car hit the the left side, the back seats!! How can she possibly be more injured then me??!"
"Well you blacked out after the first car hit you..."
"First??!? Their was more than one??"
"Their were two Ney the other one hit her side pretty bad..."

I dropped my head in my hands and began to cry uncontrollably I can't believe because of me Erica could die! I have to see her!! I need to see her!!

"Take me to her"

Ahhhhh OMG guys! Comment please! I'll try and update soon! Theirs more but I feel like I should cut it off their i love you guys! Till next time ❤️

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