Chapter 8

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Erica's POV

It was 8:30am and I still can't decide on what to wear. I have showered and done my hair and my make up but i don't know what to wear!

*phone rings*


"Erica eu serei o seu em cerca de dez minutos" (Erica i'll be their in about 10 minutes"

"Okay sounds good! You said you'd be here in 10 minutes right? Cause that's what I understood" I laughed knowing my Portuguese was horrible but I can understand some of it because of the similarities it has with Spanish.

"Haha yes linda that's what I said see you soon adeous"

& with that he hung up . linda . linda . linda . linda .
I shouldn't get butterflies over this. But I do I really do. ugh I swear I need to stop! Okay I gotta change. It's pretty cold outside so I'll wear this! (Long striped shirt with leggings) Okay now too wait for Ney.

*someone knocks on doors*

I go to open on the door when I'm surprised with Marc at my door.

"Hola Marc.."

"Erica vas a salir? Te ves hermosa."

"Si apenas iba bajar y gracias Ummm necesitas algo?"

"No está bien te hablo al rato." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and offered to walk me to the lobby. When we got to the lobby I could see Neymar getting out his car. He looks so good in red OMG!
Marc went to go use the restroom while Neymar came towards me.
"Wow you look so gorgeous" yeah umm STOP blushing Erica! But I can't stop! You have too! I should stop talking to myself.
"Thanks" I told him blushing again!
"We should get going I'm kinda hungry"
"Okay me too but let me tell Marc I'm leaving"

Neymar's POV

"Okay me too but let me tell Marc I'm leaving"
Who's Marc? I'll ask later.
"Eu vou esperar por você perto do carro" (I'll wait for you near the car)
"Okay I won't be long" she smiled at me I can still see the red in her cheeks. Does she put on blush or do I just have that affect on her? I smirked knowing the answer.
I sat on the curb near my car when I see the back of some guys head hug her and spin her. I'm trying to see his face but I can't their too far. It must be that Marc guy. I said his name with so much anger. Why is he holding her this way! Am I jealous? I sure as hell am. But I can tell she's uncomfortable so he stops. She waves bye to him and comes towards me.
*** Jealous looking Ney on the side***
"Ready for breakfast?" She giggled at me.
"Ready to tell me who he was?" I mocked her tone which made her laugh.
"Yes I will tell you once I eat because I'm starving!" She's so adorable when she starves. That sounds pretty weird but whatever I'm Neymar Jr nothing about me is weird ;) Yeah I know that's not true.
"Neymar stop making weird face expressions" she couldn't stop laughing I was scared she almost peed herself. She still hasn't stopped laughing at the way I looked talking to myself in my head. she's beautiful so I laughed along with her. I turned to my left and my smile went away. A car coming towards us was way too fast and way too close.
*Huge Crash Scene*

Authors note
Comment i love you guys here's an update I'll post again soon and hopefully longer ❤️
Also I can't believe I can only publish one photo per chapter! I was trying to upload three to this one but it just would NOT let me ugh that was frustrating. okay I'm done ranting hope you guys enjoyed it :)

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