Chapter 5

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Erica's POV

"So tell me, why should I let you take me out on a date?"

"Well for starters I am THE Neymar" he smirked and had a huge emphasis on the "the".

"Is that supposed to impress me?" he laughed.

Neymar's POV

Omg she's so perfect. she doesn't care for my fame! wow this is amazing, I must take her out it's the least I can do. "Please let me take you out as a token of my gratitude?" I was hoping she said yes I never insist to a woman they usually say yes before I finish the question.

"Okay on one condition." she giggled as she finished her sentence and may I say WOW she has a beautiful smile!

"I've never seen such a beautiful smile before eres muy bonita." she starred at me and blushed I can see her cheeks redden as I continued to stare at her beauty. "Okay so tell me the condition."

"The condition is we don't go anywhere fancy, something simple and nice." she looked at me confidently, I knew she stood her ground and wouldn't change her mind so I should might as well agree. "okay deal" I smirked at her and her face flushed red, wow the things I can do I her.

We debated on where to go I kept insisting the beach but she would not budge. She is so stubborn it's adorable truthfully. She puts a smile on my face which in my opinion is a great trait a girl can have. I got a phone call I'm the middle of our discussion and realized it was Carolina.


"Hola Neymar"


"Me podrias traer davi? Tiene una cita con el doctor"

"Si, claro llego en 10 minutos"

"Esta bien, hasta luego"


Erica looked at me confused her faced was scrunch and her eyebrows were furrowed, she looked adorable.

"Awww you look so cute when you do that aha" I told her.

"Whatever, who was that?" She said playfully.

"It was Davi's mom she wants to take him to a doctors appointment so I'll drop him off and pick up I'm let's say 20?"

"Yeah that sounds fine, is davi okay?"

"Yeah it's just a checkup nothing serious" I told her she looked really concerned than relieved after I told her it was just a checkup. I appreciate her caring for davi even tho she just met him.

Erica's POV

So we decided to have a picnic in his backyard. I was getting ready while he went to drop off davi at his moms house. I decided on something simple. (Picture of her outfit on the side) my hair was clearly being my enemy today so I put on a beanie to too off my outfit. I waited outside my hotel to wait for Neymar when my phone went off.

**unknown number**



"Quien habla?"

"Erica? soy Marc..."


*~*~*~AUTHORS NOTE*~*~*~

Omg cliffhanger! he called her!! how did he get her number?? what will she say?? comment and vote guys! i love you! Xx

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