Chapter 22

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Neymar's POV






the five words that sum up my life at the moment

since that night

Erica's POV






the five words that sum up my life at the moment

since that night

you can say Marc and i are much more 

whats the word?




hmm yeah pretty much says it all 

we are currently, sort of, in a way


Marc and I 

Myself and Marc


who would have thought?

im currently packing 

after 3 months since that night at the club a lot has happened

for one Stephanie and Neymar are now unofficially dating

two, so are Marc and i 

three, i have managed to buy a house just outside Barcelona

and four, a promotion in Madrid 

life is perfect

so you would think 

i mean i have it all?

the nice handsome guy 

the nice house

great job 

but i cant help but feel empty

not physically but emotionally 

theirs something missing 

i just cant seem to know what it is 

as i finish loading the last few boxes into my car i decide to take a walk in the forest theme park 

i pull up to the oh so big, breathtaking park

i walk near the waterfall

but go around it

where i can't see it

but i can hear it

which is just as beautiful

but more peaceful 

theirs no screaming children 

or parents gossiping 

just a beautiful green scenery 

as i sit on the flat area near a huge rock 

i smile at how this spot is flat

like its made for me to sit here 

funny how its so flat

literally the only spot 

sometimes i wonder who else helped me make this indentation on the ground

after about an hour of peace and emptying my mind 

i decide to go home and unpack my things 

Neymar's POV 

finally she leaves 

i cant stand her 

Stephanie just shows up and sleeps here 

i think she lives here 

im not sure i dont leave my room 

she would bother every second of the day 

then it went it to every other second

now a second

i cant wait till its no seconds

but i decided to sneak out 


pulled on a hoodie and matching gray sweats 

went to my favorite place 

behind the waterfall at the park 

sometimes i wonder who else helped me make this indentation on the ground

///// authors note ////

omg guys im so sorry !!

im back tho!

this is a filler 

let me know what you guys think?

love it when you guys comments 

its what makes me actually WANT to update (:

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