Chapter 25

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Okay guys im seriously so sorry for not updating! :( but here is a chapter and im working on the next one! the picture above is Erica's outfit at the airport, please comment guys it honestly means the world and highly motivates me to update faster! BTW this is a filler chapter since its been a while since my last update so sorry if its not amazing, its just to catch you guys up as to what is happening now :)

Erica's POV

It's been a while since the night that Marc and I decided to make things official

Two months to be exact

I hadn't gone to any of Marc's trainings

Not because I choose not too

I adore Marc and the time we spend together

But I have been caught up with work

Marc doesn't seem to understand that

He often gets upset, he tries to hide it

But I know how much it affects him to see all the other girlfriends and wives showing up to the Barcelona trainings and never seeing me in the crowd with them

However I decieded to finish up my work by 4 o'clock to catch my flight to Barcelona

To make it to his last training before El Classico

I know how much it would mean to him if I went

Before going to the airport I go to my apartment complex to change out of my business clothes and change into something more comfortable


I just boarded the plane

I should land in an hour and half

I take my phone out and decide to check my social medias

I notice it's non stop talk about the big game happenning in two days

How can it not be talked about?

It is one of the biggest rivalries their is

I laugh to myself as I think about how growing up I only ever dreamt of seeing El Classico live

Now I've seen it twice

I work with the Real Madrid players every so often

Since I am in charge of dealing with their paper work and checks

And I'm dating a Barcelona player

who would of thought

Before I know it I'm being woken up

I apperantly took a much needed nap

I exit the airport and catch a taxi

I debate on going to Marc's house first to drop my things off or go straight to the Barcelona stadium

When the taxi gets here I chose the stadium

I miss Marc I dont know if I want to wait to see him

God i sound clingy

I can't help it I don't see him as often as I wish

As I get closer and closer to the staidum location

I get butterflies in my stomach

But the thing is I'm not sure exactly why

Excited to finally see Marc?

Nervous to see him.


After all this time

After everything

He still manages to pop up in my thoughts every know and then

Not as often as before

But now, just the fact that i will be seeing him, be near him, talk to him...

I just pray all my emotions don't get the best of me

My heart can't take it

Marc deserves my entire heart

Although I'm afraid my heart will spark up with Neymar

Like it used to...............

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