Chapter 24

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Erica's POV

as soon as I said yes he smiled such a beautiful smile

in that moment we kissed

everything went so slow

I felt one of his hands go down my back

while the other held my head closer to him

we kissed with so much lust

his lips were so warm, so soft

taste of mint

unlike Neymar's

whose tasted like him

that's how I would explain it

Marc than started kissing my neck

just like Neymar would when we would have tickle fights that would go too far

but that's as far as they would go

I pushed Marc off

here I am thinking of Neymar again

Marc looks at me confused

about to ask of im okay but before he can I crash my lips back onto him

right now I don't even want to think about neymar

or ever

Marc leads us to the bed without separating our lips, only when we take our clothes off

my legs hit the bed and I lay down

Marc hovers over me kissing me from my bely button to my head

kissing every inch of me

wishing it was neymar not marc

but I push my thoughts aside and live in the moment

marc pushes my unerdewear to the side and rubs me wiith his fingers

I feel so hot and without warning he slide a finger in me

I moan without control as soon as he inserts another

I open my eyes not realizing when I had closed them

Marc is looking at me with so much lust and love

I wish he could see the same in my eyes

but I know he only sees lust

he then leads his tip to my entrance

hes going in so slow its torture

I grab his back and scratch down to give him the hint

he soon gets it and slides all the way in

I feel him take over as he thrusts in and out of me

after a while I decide to take control

I flip us over and position his member to my entrance

I slide down on him and grind

hes grabbing my legs so tight I know ill have bruises in the morning

but I don't care this feels amazing

he hovers over me to regain control

which I let him do

he then starts to thrust again

im so close I fee it in the pit of my stomach

I release

and it takes everything in me not to moan Neymar's name

I cant help but wish it was him

loving me unconditionaly the way marc does

im pulled out of my thoughts when I feel the bed dip beside me

im guessing marc came as well

he holds me close and kissed my head

"you're amazing, good night Erica" I don't even have to look at him for me to know he's smiling like a crazy man

I don't say anything

letting him assume im asleep

then I drift into sleep with Neymar on my mind


Yay update!!! Double actually!! Omg it's been two months since I've updated I'm sorry guys! I hope these two new chapters make up for it! I'll try and update soon! I know I always say that but I mean it! Well please comment and tell me what you guys think! I'm sorry about the smut it's my first time writing something like this

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