Chapter 18

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Ericas POV

it is currently 8:45am

Sergio should be here soon

I just need to get my restroom essentials and ill be all packed and ready to go

short after I packed my things I get a text from Sergio saying he is outside

I pray that I don't have to run into neymar while I go downstairs with my luggage for the weekend

as soon as I open my door, hes standing right infront of it as if he was about to knock

"going somewhere?" he asks with s confused look on his face

"oh um yeah im actually going out for the weekend" I tell him awkwardly not wanting to look him in the eyes

"before you go I have something to ask you.." he says as his eyes meet the floor and scratches the back of his neck

right as he was about to speak I hear sergios voice from downstairs

"Erica, my beautiful date are you ready to go?" he says with a huge smile

"oh yeah I was about to go down" I say half feeling bad that Neymar is right here

"what did you want to ask?" I say hoping he hurrys so I can leave

I don't want to leave Sergio waiting for too long

"yeah um I wanted to ask if you were okay with me taking your bestfriend to the ballon d oro ceremony"

Neymars pov

her reaction was not what I expected

her eyes popped out and she looked hurt?

why would she be hurt?

I wanted to ask her to be my date but apperantly shes going with the enemy

okay not the enemy but still

she should have waited for me to ask

"yeah um sure I guess I didn't know you guys were a thing" she says trying her best to put on a fake smile

"Yeah well I wanted a perfect date so she fit the spot perfectly" I tell her unsure why I did

"Oh well I'm leaving have fun "
She doesn't hug me she dodges my hug & walks down the stairs

Erica's POV

I can not believe he's going with Steph

If he were to of asked me I would have said yes

I would cancel with Sergio

To be with him

But now I know he doesn't like me the way I to him


Do I like him? Or do I love him?

Well guess now it doesn't matter

"Erica...Erica!" I hear Sergio as he waves his hand in my face

"Oh I'm sorry I kinda zoned out"

"Esta bien no te preocupes hermosa" he says in his beautiful accent

Hearing him speak Spanish reminds me of Marc

I would typically blush when Marc compliments me

Marc? Why am I thinking of Marc?

Geez he doesn't even care

**phone rings**

"Sorry Sergio it's my manager" I say politely before answering

"Bueno?" I say into the phone

"Erica, great to hear from you love I have the date for your photo shoot!" She says way to excited

"Oh nice umm it's the playboy one you told me about a while ago correct?" I say not really as interested as I should be

"Yes & no, yes because it will be sponsored by playboy & no because it will be on the cover of GQ magazine in THREE countries!"

"Wow three? Omg which ones?" I say actually excited

"America, Spain & the U.K." She says once again very excited

"Wow that's great when will this be?"

"Well this weekend but I know you are busy so I can postpone for next weekend?"

"Sounds great, text me the details"

Then I hang up & Sergio is looking at me as if waiting for me to tell him

I don't necessarily want him to be the first to know

I mean Neymar was really excited for me

And Marc really wanted to be their for support

stop !

Sergio is here right now

Marc & Neymar are not

They don't care

Sergio cares

******update guys!!*****

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