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August 2014
Stell's POV

The lobby at Adamson Theatre was filled with people. There was so much going on- laughing, hugging, screaming, as what always happens whenever KPOP fans gather in one place.

Josh and I squished ourselves in the lobby, making our way towards the holding area.

"Uyyy, si Josh at si Stell!" I heard one girl shriek as we walked by.

"Excited na ako mag-perform ang Se-eon," her friend beside her gushed.

It was the competition day for Philippine Kpop Star and our cover group, Se-eon, were finalists. Ever since I started covering, I had always wanted to perform on a big stage. One of the ultimate goals for KPOP cover groups was to be part of a competition as big as this.

Josh and I reached the holding area where the rest of Se-eon, consisting of Carla, Candy, Gelou, Leon, and Keith, were waiting for us.

"Dre," Leon greeted Josh and me.

"Stell, Josh!" Carla, our leader, waved us over. "Come on. They are going to interview us. We have to rehearse on what to say."

We crowded around Carla, giving off suggestions on how to introduce ourselves. This was a big deal for us, and we wanted to make a good impression. The winner of this event gets to compete to South Korea, so we had to do our very best. We wanted to be noticed by the sponsors and organizers. Go big or go home, right?

"Hi, Se-eon! I'm Abbie!" one of the organizers of KPOP Cultural Center, a girl with short hair and blue-green highlights, approached us. A man holding a video camera was right behind her.

"Hi, Abbie!" we greeted her back.

"Okay, please do an introduction. In 3..2...1," she instructed. We introduced ourselves then Carla went off, explaining why we decided to join Philippine Kpop Star.

I tried to look attentive, but my mind was drifting off. I've been with Se-eon for so long now, about 3 years. We debuted as 11 members before. We had member changes due to others being inactive, and Josh was our latest addition. As of the moment, the 7 of us are the only ones actively performing.

I have always loved performing. I love the thrill of the stage. I love expressing myself through dance or by breaking out into a song.

I have always dreamt of this career for so long. But it seems like covering KPOP groups is the closest thing that I can get to that dream.

And so, here I am now, at this moment. I will pour everything that I got. I don't want to have any regrets while performing.

The interview ended. Abbie checked the video footage and gave us a thumbs-up sign. "Good job, guys! I'll see you around. Good luck, Se-eon!"

"Thank you," we greeted with a chorus and a 90-degree bow. I faced my group mates, excitement written all over my face.

"Guys, sana manalo tayo. Gusto kong makapunta ng Korea," Gelou gushed. The rest of us nodded in agreement. This was our dream. I crossed my fingers, hoping that our dream would come true.

"Bihis na tayo. Ge na," Candy whined, pulling Carla and Gelou's arm.

"Lester!!" A loud shrill voice rang in the holding area.

I would know that voice anywhere.

"Here comes our greatest fan," Keith announced.

We all looked towards the source of the sound. There she was, lugging her camera and a big paper bag. There was my neighbor, Mhai.

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