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December 2017
Stell's POV

Josh was heartbroken. His two-year relationship with Katrina had ended with him nursing a broken heart. Apparently, Katrina was cheating on him for a year now with one of their common friends, Mike Reylow.

Josh had stormed off the building in haste, screaming that he was going to punch Mike. It was a good thing that I stopped him or else, things would have gotten messy. I know Josh was a patient person, but then Josh was not a saint.

I knew Mike would have turned black and blue if I hadn't caught up to Josh. Mike deserved a slow, painful death, to say the least.

The other trainees did everything they could to comfort Josh, who was hiccupping his way into the night. Rocher, thankfully did not make a move even though her crush just broke up with his girlfriend. Rocher was pretty decent. She should date Josh. Rocher was least likely to cheat on him. 

No matter how broken Josh was, life still had to continue. Training resumed, and life went on. Unfair, yes. But, the world will continue living. The months sped by without us noticing.

Before we knew it, it was already December! Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa~ ShowBT's annual Christmas party was fast approaching. This means that we have to prepare to perform, which also means longer training and practice hours for us. I was beat. The training was taking a toll on my body. I was beyond tired. We had stretched ourselves thin, trying to come up with a lineup for our performance.

We had to perform our best at the party. The boys and I wanted to debut so badly. We were already training for a year now, and we figured it was time for the world to meet us. Teacher Hong told us that the boys, the five of us, were her greatest out of all the trainees she trained. 

Paulo, Justin, Ken, Josh, and I were flattered. Who wouldn't be? Teacher Hong trained a lot of trainees in Korea. She had helped launched countless idol groups in her home country. Teacher Hong telling us that we were her greatest products was a feat worth bragging.

But we can't brag. Not yet. Not when Sir Robin and Sir Charles said that we still had a lot to improve.

The five of us had been covering Kpop groups for so long. Josh and I covered BTS. Justin had covered Got7. Ken had covered Got7, too, albeit with his cover group back home in Mindanao. Paulo had covered Big Bang. We were exposed to the Korean culture, and we have noticed that Koreans live for in sync performance. A perfect performance. It does not matter how long we have practiced a single song or dance- a hundred, a thousand- it does not matter as long as the outcome is perfect.

Of course, a song and dance routine would not be perfect and would not be in sync if we would only practice it ten times. We would become a laughingstock on stage—a big no-no for us.

Paulo, the musical genius that he is, had arranged our number. We were going to sing Ikon's B-Day. We spent weeks trying to perfect the song. We had to let Teacher Hong check if our Korean was spot on. We would not want to butcher their language.

Amidst our grueling training sessions, I could not help but yearn for Angel more and more as each day passes by. It was like being in high school all over again. Here I am, trying to catch glimpses of her in between practice sessions, hoping that she'd return my gaze—no such luck. Angel was so focused on perfecting their sing and dance routine. Gelou would catch me looking and would widen her eyes at me every single time. She would stick her tongue out at me, and I would return the gesture. 

Mhai would smack me in the arm each time she would catch me making googly eyes at Angel. "Lester, we have to concentrate on our performance. We have to impress the bosses, or else we won't get to debut," she scolded me one time. 

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