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January 2021
Mhai's POV

"Kelan ba matatapos 'tong COVID ha?" my mom told me as she lounged on my bed early on a Saturday morning.

I was busy folding my freshly laundered clothes while Mom rolled in my bed. I knew she was bored. Mom had been working from home ever since the lockdown started last March 2020. It was almost a year since she worked from home and I knew she was itching to go back to her office.

"Ewan," I replied offhandedly. My mind was too focused on folding my clothes.

"Work from home ka rin diba?" my mom asked. She grabbed one shirt and started helping me fold my clothes just so she'd have something to do.

See? She's bored.

"Yes," I replied.

"Di ka busy?"

"Busy minsan."

"So, kung di ka busy, anong pinagkakaabalahan mo?"

I shrugged. Ano nga ba? Work. Work was keeping me busy. Although I do have a few idle hours in the afternoon. I was not sure what to do with those, though. I often just sit down and scroll on my FB timeline or do housework.

"Si Stell sikat na sikat na ah," my mom commented.

My heart jumped from my chest. It always does every time my mom mentions Lester, and she's been mentioning him quite frequently ever since 2019 when SB19's Go Up dance practice went viral.

Lester was already famous in our neighborhood being the "pambato ng barangay" every time there were contests during fiestas. This time, Lester was the celebrity of the barangay. When Go Up first went viral, our neighbors would flock to their house every time Lester was home. Tito Jun and Tita Mylene were stopped by every person in the area whenever they would go out, being frequently asked about Lester- including my mom.

"Siguro kung di ka nag quit sa ShowBT, baka sikat ka na rin."

I almost rolled my eyes. I highly doubt that.

"No. I had no regrets," I replied truthfully. Angel eventually left ShowBT too, a few months after SB19 debuted. YARA was now a 5-member girl group. I knew it was hard for Gelou and the others, constantly having to train while SB19 was now reaping the fruits of their labor. YARA eventually left ShowBT months before the lockdown.

"I know you never wanted to become a celebrity but I know you miss singing. You hardly sing anymore," my mom quipped.

"Where would I sing? We're still on GCQ," I reminded her.

"Youtube," my mom said. Like it's the most obvious answer in the whole wide world.

"Uh-huh," I whispered under my breath.

"Come on," mom coaxed. "I know how much you love to sing. I know you miss singing and I know that you're constantly thinking about what your life would be like if you'd continued as part of YARA."

"No, I'm not," I denied.

"You always got that faraway look in your eyes," she quipped.

I wanted to tell her that it's because she kept on playing SB19's music around the house. But that would raise questions. After all, Lester was- is, my childhood friend.

"I'm just thinking of other means to make money," I said, saying the first thing that came into my mind.

"Youtube nga," mom insisted. "You'll get to sing. Plus, you'll earn. Oh diba?"

I stared at my mom. Who is this person?

My eyebrows scrunched together. She does have a point though. I do miss singing.

Unrequited | SB19 Stell [SB19 Series #3]Where stories live. Discover now